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Feeling ambivalent about quitting

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. elke, quit coach
    elke, quit coach avatar
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    14 Jun 2019
    14 Jun 2019
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    Taking the step to quit smoking can be scary. You might not know what to expect, or you might have tried quitting smoking in the past and found it hard and/or found it hard to stay smoke free.
    You might feel ambivalent about quitting, because you have smoked so long and maybe you can’t image a life without cigarettes. Quitting is often a process but reaching out for support can make the process easier.
    You might not feel ready to quit, but maybe ready to explore some options to make some small changes to your smoking. Or maybe explore further what others are going through in their smoking cessation journey. Smoking cessation can start with a small step, maybe you are interested in joining a community that understands what you are going through and share your journey with them.
  2. atp
    atp avatar
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    27 Jun 2019 in reply to elke, quit coach
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    It really is a love/hate relationship many smokers have, or at least they think they have.

    The truth is we need to admit to that we are an addict and that is why we have a fear of quitting. 

    The other fear is not knowing how to be a non-smoker. So many smokers have been doing it for so long it is hard to picture doing anything without smoking. I remember sitting there during the start of my quit and thinking "how boring it is just to sit and not have a smoke, how do nonsmokers do this?"

    In looking back at my quit, one thing that really did help was going through the quit plan on this site. It got me thinking, it made me go and do more research about quitting. 

    The ambivalent feelings are the addict in us resisting the change. But you quit and before long you think - how dumb was I to keep smoking for for so long. 

    Last modified on 27 Jun 2019 10:25 by atp
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi atp,

    Oh my gosh, I couldn't agree with you more!  I had no idea how to go about quitting, so the quit plan on this site was invaluable.  And then, what to do without smoking?  I found myself looking at my non-smoking friends to see what they did.  But the whole thing felt so wrong, so strange.

    Now, I just think, how dumb was I to waste so much of my time and energy smoking?  I'm not going to beat myself up, because I was raised to smoke, simple as that, and then I got addicted.  But man, am I ever glad I came across this site and gave quitting a shot.  Becoming a non-smoker has given me a new lease on life, and I wouldn't give it up for the world.  And better late than never.
  4. grace, quit coach
    grace, quit coach avatar
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    Hi atp and treepeo,

    It's always so nice to hear your feedback on how much our planning tools have helped. It's remarkable what a bit of trial and error can do for your quit and determining how you can get through those uncomfortable moments that you previously filled with smoking. But like you said, with some planning and practice you're on your way!

  5. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    atp - you nailed it.  It is a love/hate relationship.  That is, until you break the cycle and realize that the love you thought you had towards cigarettes is false.

    For many of us, our decision to start smoking was not so much a decision, but an immature whim.  We grew up smoking - it was our norm.  We were not yet wise.  Successfully quitting involves a mature and developed perspective in identifying smoking for what it really is and recognizing what it truly offers us.
5 posts, 0 answered