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Hi I’m new!

21 posts, 0 answered
  1. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Hello everyone. I am new to SHO and just quit today. I was glad to have the old site and the wealth of information there to prepare me for this hopefully final quit. I am using the patch as I have in the past but this time I feel more prepared for what lies ahead. I look forward to getting to know many of you as we take this smoke-free journey together. 

    One day day at a time. 
  2. buttingout2014
    buttingout2014 avatar
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    Hi Quitfriend, and welcome to the forum!!!
    I'm sure you'll find lots of helpful members and staff here that will guide you along on the path to QUIT...
    You mentioned that you are using the patch - so it sounds like you're already working with an effective QUIT aid, which is the most important place to start.

    Make sure that you're ready for all of the coming cravings, etc. that are bound to hit just when you're at your most vulnerable... Set aside a whole host of "healthy distractions" that will help to set you back on the right path whenever that Nicotine monster comes calling.  These distractions can be as simple as bottled water, snacks, ice, and various deep breathing exercises.

    Your QUIT is only as good as your plan...So be sure to plan well, and beat the cravings before they start.

    Your QUIT buddy, Jim;.

  3. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Thank you Jim for your welcome and your excellent advice. It is very much appreciated and it helps to know that I’m not alone.
  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Welcome to helpline

    Feel free yo post how you feel and congrats in your decision to quit

    You can do this.
  5. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi quitfriend,

    Welcome and congrats on making the decision to quit!

    It sounds like you've thought out your plan and are feeling prepared. That can really help in the quit process.  

    Look forward to hearing about your journey.
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi quitfriend,

    Welcome to SHO.  You have come to the right place for support.  We are all in various stages of our quits, so we all know what it's like.  I know it's scary at first, but trust me, quitfriend, quitting is so worth it.  I smoked for 43 years and didn't have much faith that I could really quit.  But suddenly I felt it was my time to quit, and I came here for some help.  There is terrific information on this site, starting from just thinking about quitting, to how to keep track of your cravings and your triggers, to dealing with cravings and resisting temptation.  And then there is this forum where we talk to each other about how we are feeling.

    Just take it day by day, quitfriend.  Try to avoid triggers, such as being with friends or family while they are smoking.  Drink lots of water and distract yourself.  And write down all of the reasons why you want to quit, and keep your list somewhere where you can look at it every day.  And remember, we are all here for you, as are the wonderful quit coaches on this site.  You can do this, quitfriend.  Believe in yourself and make it happen!
  7. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Thank you all for your encouragement and support and sharing. I need all the help I can get. 
  8. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    I have been struggling to get my first 24 hours in cigarette free. Unfortunately, cigarettes are going to continue to be around my house so it was real easy for me to slip. My most difficult times are first thing in the morning and in the evening. So, I am celebrating my small victories. This morning I made it through my morning without a smoke. I have been smoke-free for 14 hours.
  9. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi quitfriend,

    I'm sorry to hear that it's been challenging. Slips can happen when you quit, but it sounds like it's been a good learning experience. You know what the triggers are and now you can plan for them. 

    What helped you to get through this morning without smoking?

    If you would like any extra support to get some plans in place feel free to contact a Quit Coach at Smokers' Helpline. You can reach us at 1-877-513-5333.

    Wishing you a nice smoke free weekend,
  10. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    I got through this morning by logging into SHO and reviewing a lot of what I had learned, thinking positive and having cold water and a mint.  Tonight I plan to reward myself for my first day completely smoke-free by giving myself a home facial and maybe a pedicure while I reflect on how grateful I am to have made it through the first day. 
  11. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    I am so proud of you, you did it! 1 smoke free day is great! go for it, you deserve it, congrats!!!!!!
  12. petermac
    petermac avatar
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    way to go quitfriend..    hands you a Cool Mint or two . 
  13. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi quitfriend,

    I am glad you came to SHO and read through the materials.  There is a lot of absolutely terrific information on this site, eh?  I have always found it to be interesting, helpful and motivating.  I think it's great that you are going to reward yourself for getting through the day.  You deserve a bit of pampering!
  14. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    There is a lot of information that I have picked up from SHO in the last while and I find it helpful to remind myself of it regularly and put it into practice of course. 
  15. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Thanks petermac. lol. Mints have gotten me through some rough spots.
  16. lithan44
    lithan44 avatar
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    Hi Quitfriend.  I just wanted to pop in and see how you are doing?  Always remember that we are here to support you!
  17. petermac
    petermac avatar
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    Just  a Drop In  Say  Hi ,   Passing Cool mints around.   Hope we  are All Have`N a Better then Great Day , 
  18. sophia, quit coach
    sophia, quit coach avatar
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    Welcome Quitfriend!
  19. Val H
    Val H avatar
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    Well, I’m back. The cunning addiction got me again but not for good. I have reset my quit day for today and have decided that I don’t want to have to smoke anymore. I called the smokers’ helpline and they reminded me that I have a lot of good reasons to be smoke-free and some really good strategies to get me through the cravings. I feel more confident than before I called but I would like to hear from you on some of the strategies you put into place that helped you to stay free. 
  20. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Quitfriend,

    Happy Day 1 quit day- good for you!  So good to hear you spoke to a Quit Coach today and recalled your motivation to move you along.  And agreed, hearing peoples' skills certainly helps to think of more of the strategies that can help you.  

    People are so creative and looking forward to hearing more.  

    Best Wishes for the evening and day 2.  

  21. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi quitfriend,

    During the worst of my cravings, I would wait 10 minutes, because anyone can wait 10 minutes.  And then I would wait another 10 minutes, and so on, until the craving passed.  While I was waiting, I would play hidden object games on my computer, or I would read.  And I always drank lots of cold water.  Also, I practically lived on this site.  I read all of the information I could get my hands on about the many benefits of quitting smoking.  And I thought over and over about all of the reasons I wanted to quit.  It is much better to decide to quit on your own, rather than to have to quit because you had a heart attack or something else.

    I know it's hard to quit, but you are stronger than your addiction.  Believe in yourself.  You can do it.
21 posts, 0 answered