Forums / Welcome / Day 6

Day 6

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. terrild
    terrild avatar
    1 posts
    15 Nov 2018
    21 Nov 2018
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    Hi everyone. I don't know how many times I have tried quitting in the past. With this attempt, I am on my sixth day. I don't yet feel like a non-smoker and definitely don't feel like I have this in the bag. I have had a lot of cravings and I really didn't feel very well the first few days. I feel a bit stressed out but have started meditating recently and that has helped. Seven days smoke free seems like such a big milestone for me. I am definitely counting the days! I figure if I can be successful, anyone can. I definitely know how hard it can be. I hope week 2 is easier than week 1!
  2. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Terrild,

    Congratulations on six days smoke free. As you noted there can be a lot of cravings in this early period but they will get better with time. I also meditate and that has helped me a lot in my quit. There are "4 D's" that can also help a lot:

    Delay. The urge will pass whether you smoke or not.
    Deep breathe.
    Drink water.
    Do something to take your mind off smoking.

    I hope this helps you along the way.


  3. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Welcome terrild to the community!

    Eagerquit has given you some wonderful strategies to use that will help you get through those cravings, alongside with the meditation that you do.

    Week 2 is better than week one, so hang in there, keep posting and

  4. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    22 Nov 2018 in reply to terrild
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    Congrats on becoming a non-smoker terrild
    Sound advice has been given already by Eagerquit and the coach so i won't repeat. I do have a belief that when you get that annoying little voice, instead of hearing nanananana you can't have me.... you say to it " i am in control now, I am on my way to being a Happy non-Smoker , you can't stop me, and  i see through all of your lies now"

    Read some posts and be proud that you are making one of the best decisions of your life. Knowledge is power.  Rooting for you!
  5. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi Terrild,

    Each new quit offers an opportunity to improve the chances of success.  Take what you've learned.  Take what you've experienced.  Take the support and prayers of all of us and apply them to your quit.  You've added meditation to this quit attempt, and that may well be the factor that tips the scales in your favour. 

    The bottom line is that you know what to expect, so use that knowledge and embrace this quit.

  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi terrild,

    By now, you are on your milestone, Day 7.  Give yourself a huge pat on the back.  That is truly terrific!  I don't doubt that sometimes you feel unwell.  Withdrawal can cause all sorts of unpleasant symptoms.  But hang in there, because those symptoms won't last forever.  Each day you get closer to your goal and at some point, it really will get easier.  You just have to get over this initial hump.

    You can do this, terrild.  Kick those butts to the curb.
6 posts, 0 answered