Forums / My journey / 4 weeks

4 weeks

10 posts, 0 answered
  1. cor
    cor avatar
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    Quit smoking March 9th. it seems like every day I have a craving at some time or another. Looking forward to not thinking of smoking, it has to happen at some point lol.
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi cor,

    WooHoo, 4 weeks smoke free - way to go!  That's truly awesome, and you should so something to celebrate your wonderful milestone!

    I'm not sure why, but the end of my first month was even harder than the very beginning of my quit.  It's like my lungs were pulling out all of the stops to try to get me to smoke again.  But after that first month, seemingly like magic, the cravings suddenly dropped way off.  Yes, I still got them from time to time, but not nearly as often and certainly not as intense.  So hang in there, cor, because maybe you are close to that kind of breakthrough, too.  And then life will get a whole lot easier.
  3. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Hi cor,

    Congratulations for all the hard work you've done to reach this wonderful milestone – it’s awesome! We are so happy for you! If you can hang in there a bit longer, you’ll notice that things usually get easier and better with time. You will reach the ’’easy days’’ and the cravings or thoughts of smoking won’t come as often. Like treepeo said ’’And then life will get a whole lot easier.’’

    You are doing fantastic cor! Keep going strong and continuing success!
  4. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Cor, One Month is a huge celebration!  I was where you were at one month, and the second vascillated between easy and terrible.  There weren't so many just normal days of cravings anymore.  I tended to have good weeks and horrible weeks.  So every journey is different.  I'm 21/2 months in, and now I'm getting comfortable.  I still think of cigarettes every day, but it's not in the same way that I did with those hard cravings.  It's more like a blip, and doesn't upset me.  The real coping is now in embracing boredom, and not panicking about it.  I'm a work in progress!  I still get the odd deep craving, but those days are about once a week, instead of multiple times a day.  I truly beleive that it does get better now.  But I smoked for 43 years, so I'm still in recovery which I expect will take some time.  So be easy on yourself when you aren't mid battle, and treat yourself to something small and frivelous.  The money saved is a huge incentive for me!  And keep coming back, it's a lonely journey, so you have to be sociable!
  5. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    Hey Cor

    I'm just a few days ahead of you at March 5 - 26 days
    I'm past the physical withdrawal for the most part - now dealing a lot with my mind and my emotions - dreaming about smoking, and feeling irritable. 
    I'm committed and gonna keep going.  I need to find my sense of humour.  I find keeping busy helps, and if I have a slow day, then I'm on this site reading on how others are doing, and that keeps me motivated. 
    I'm going to do some meditation today - try to calm my mind.

  6. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Cor,

    I am at 24 days smoke free and find the psychological withdrawal is challenging. I smoked for decades so not thinking about smoking is an alien experience. Keeping busy with other things focuses my mind away from the issue. And I have a smiley face on my table in front of me so I won't take it all too seriously. Life has been a lot better for me than when I was smoking from a physical and health point of view.

    All the best


  7. cor
    cor avatar
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    Just wanted to say thank you for the support. It's really nice to hear from people who truly understand what I'm going through.
  8. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Cor

    Congrats in your quit!

    The cravings vary depends how Addicted we were. I quit back then couple of years 3 packs a day, I still crave sometimes, but I can manage that, because I had try to quit so many times that this is it.

    Just think in the Positive, more time for your self.
    Better power in your body
    Smell Good
    No more been slave of it
    Food really taste Delicious
    And many more......

    Hang in, one day at the time!
  9. cor
    cor avatar
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    Talk about being fuzzy headed. Last week I posted I had quit for 4 weeks actually it had been 3 today is 4 weeks, feels like 15 lol. I have smoked for almost 40 years quit March 9th , it is definetly a struggle. This is my 1st time quitting . Some days I think it would be easier just to have 1 smoke but I'm pretty determined. It really helps ready all the posts on here and appreciate the feedback.
  10. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    No worries, cor, I get it.  Quitting is never easy, and I was fuzzy headed, too!  But look at you, 4 weeks!  Let me wish you a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!!  That is truly amazing, especially because you were such a long term smoker.  I get it, cuz I smoked for 43 years and smoking was my life.  So to change that was really, really hard.

    Man, you are really strong and determined!  Keep it up, cor, you are rocking your quit.  And remember to treat yourself in some way, because you deserve it.  And it's also important to associate not smoking with positive things.

    You are doing so great, cor.  Keep the quit!
10 posts, 0 answered