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my quit journey

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
    28 posts
    03 Dec 2021
    09 Jan 2022
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    just having trouble staying motivated. most of today thinking about smoking. thought  i would come here and vent instead. sometimes i wonder if this is all worth it or not. i am breathing better, but its just that smoking also gave me something to do when i got bored, trying to stay clear away from them but its getting hard. 
  2. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    03 Dec 2021
    09 Jan 2022 in reply to cindydavis
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    Just thought I would come here and say I kept my quit. Everyone I know smokes. I'm the only one not smoking. But some of them are smoking butts.  I don't want to do anything like that. So if I want to breath better I better not.  I stopped hacking as well. I must say they all stink. I have one friend that's telling me to stay quit. She tells me how proud she is for me quitting. I will remember nope. I said it so often it's stuck in my brain the whole time. Not one puff ever. 
  3. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    10 Jan 2022 in reply to cindydavis
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    Hi Cindy
    Hang on in there. So happy for you that you didnt give in . Are you nearly at 3 months now? Its probably the terrible three's raising their head and the addiction giving it the last kick of the can to get you back smoking. It must be tough when people around you are smoking - so tempting to ask for one so be proud of yourself for not doing so. And thats great that your friend is supporting you. It is really hard to stay focused but it is definitely worth it. Just think of your reasons for quitting in the first place and look how far you've come. 

    I was tempted this weekend as well. It was when i was home watching a movie on netflix. I got urges to smoke... not really cravings. these were stronger than cravings and lasted longer. But i used the mist and sucked on two hard boiled sweets and that got me through it. I dreamed last night that id bought a pack and smoked 10. The relief when I woke up and realised it was just a dream. 

    So hang on in there... you're not the only one going through these rotten feelings and wondering if its all worth it. NOPE NOPE NOPE is our new best friend. 
    Last modified on 10 Jan 2022 03:08 by dublinguy
  4. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    10 Jan 2022 in reply to cindydavis
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    Hi cindydavis,

    You should be so proud of yourself for not giving in.  I know how hard it can be to resist those urges, so good for you!

    Now that you've quit, you really notice how much smokers stink, eh?  Oh my goodness, that used to be us.  How embarrassing.  isn't it nice to know that you don't have to worry about that anymore?  And knowing that your breath will stay fresh longer?  And that you don't cough your brains out in the morning?  Wow, there are so many good things about being a non-smoker.  Why would we ever want to go back?

    Not One Puff Ever!
4 posts, 0 answered