832 posts
29 Nov 2017
14 Mar 2018
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Yup, I referred to myself as smoke free for a long time, too. Can't remember when I started calling myself a non-smoker and meaning it, because it felt really weird to me. I guess because it is the total opposite of what I had been all my life. Even now, I feel like a bit of an imposter calling myself a non-smoker.
Someone recently asked me when I quit, and when I told her it was 14 months ago, she said, "Gee, that's not a long time." And I thought to myself, "You wanna bet? You try quitting after having smoked your whole life." I know she didn't mean anything derogatory, but I couldn't help but feel that she was a bit dismissive of the effort it took for me to quit. But then again, I find that people who have never smoked just don't get how hard and how complicated it really is to quit.
So you go ahead and call yourself whatever you like, as long as you recognize that you are strong and courageous for tackling this addiction and coming out on top!