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Three Weeks!

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. songbird
    songbird avatar
    7 posts
    07 Jun 2018
    26 Jun 2018
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    I have been smoke free for three weeks - not very long I guess, having read some of your posts!  My concern today is that on Sunday we are spending Canada Day with my sister-in-law, who is a smoker, and i’m afraid I might be tempted.  I don’t think she will pressure me to join her, but I may weaken on my own!  Suggestions on resisting temptation?
  2. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Songbird,

    Congratulations on your three smoke free weeks! Nice job. It takes a lot of effort to get there. Give yourself a pat on the back. Being around smokers is a challenge. You might explain to your sister early on that you have quit smoking and your reasons for doing that. You might find she is supportive of your efforts.

    Enjoy your smoke free day!


  3. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi songbird!

    It is a tricky situation.  As it is all too easy to join in!

    Some find it helpful to mimic a bit of what they did when they smoked, so keep your hands busy with something, holding/carrying something and keeping mouth busy too with a gum or candy etc. Whatever appeals to you can fill that void a bit, for eg. use your cell phone, play a game or look something up quickly.... Little things like that can help out.

    It can also help to make an escape plan. If the temptation is high where could you go?  Could you head out to another area? Head home early?

    As eager said, giving your friend the heads up can help too. It gives you potential support and definite accountability!

    You can do it, 3 weeks proves it!
  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi songbird,

    Congratulations on being smoke free for 3 weeks.  Way to go!

    I know it can be really hard to be around smokers and not join them, when in the past you would.  But look at it this way.  You have changed your life in a huge way.  You are doing one of the most important things you could ever do for yourself.  You are quitting smoking!  And part of that process is learning how to cope with being around family and friends who still smoke.

    When your sister-in-law goes out to smoke, don't go with her.  Play with your phone, putter around, do anything else, but stay away from her if you think you might be tempted.  You have worked too hard to get to this point, songbird.  Do your best to stay strong.  And remember, if you did have a smoke now, it wouldn't be the nirvana you think it would be.  Your body is detoxing.  If you have even a puff, it will ruin everything, and you will end up right back where you started.

    It might be a good idea to have your list with you of the reasons why you decided to quit.  That will also give you strength.

    It's terrific that you are thinking about this in advance, because the more prepared you are, the easier it will be to handle.  Good luck, songbird.  Remember, Not One Puff Ever.
4 posts, 0 answered