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Smoke free for 1 month

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. wizardsmom
    wizardsmom avatar
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    This is the first time in over 40 years that I haven't smoked a cigarette for this long!  I think the most I ever lasted on my numerous attempts was one week.  The difference this time I think is I am quitting because I have had enough.  I'm tired of feeling like a second class citizen, hiding around corners to smoke, worrying about how I smell, not wanting to go somewhere because I can't smoke.  I have also read Alan Carr's book The Easy Way to Quit Smoking.  It is awesome!
    So looking forward to this journey and glad to have people to support me on my way.  Thank you
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi wizardsmom,

    WOOHOO, good for you!  Right on!  I can completely relate to how you feel.

    You know, wimporswim and I both quit at about the same time.  And we both finally had it in our heads that it was our time to quit.  Period.  I think that if you are lucky, you just get to that point, and then you fight like hell to make it happen.  And that is exactly what you are doing.  Way to go!

    As you said, there are so many benefits to being a non-smoker.  I didn't really realize how ashamed I was of myself until I finally quit for good.  Suddenly, I didn't have to worry about whether I had bad breath, or whether my clothes smelled of smoke.  Or whether I was suddenly going to have a coughing fit in the middle of a conversation.  Those things made me feel so bad about myself.  So when I quit, I felt like a weight had lifted off my shoulders.  Never mind the freedom that comes with being a non-smoker.

    Keep up the good work, wizardsmom.  I found that after the first month, things got considerably easier.  But you must always remain vigilant, because you never know when the beast will raise its ugly head to tempt you.  Whatever you do, don't give in.  Remember NOPE - Not One Puff Ever.  And keep busy.  The more that time passes, the better you will feel.

    Please keep posting and let us know how you are doing.  I am rooting for you!
  3. wizardsmom
    wizardsmom avatar
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    Thank you so much for that reply, it really made me feel great!  
  4. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    WTG Wizmom!!!! I am praying I can make it that far. Only on day 3 but feel great about it!!! Keep up the awesome work!
  5. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    Nice going wizardsmom!  As a long time smoker I know how hard that 1st month can be.  Because you are determined - you know now that this quit will stick!  Congratulations!
  6. wizardsmom
    wizardsmom avatar
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    Thanks so much.  Did you start to feel better after a month?  I guess I thought I would feel better by now.  
  7. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi wizardsmom,

    I can't remember exactly when I started to feel better.  But I know that after my first month, it got much easier to keep my quit.  

    Having said that, you know one of the first benefits I noticed at some point?  I had just climbed two flights of stairs at the TTC going up to street level, and then I ran for a streetcar.  By some miracle, I was able to get a seat. I sat down and suddenly realized that I wasn't huffing and puffing.  Normally, after climbing two flights of stairs, my heart would be pounding out of my chest.  In fact, I wouldn't have been able to run for a streetcar.  But because I had quit smoking, suddenly things had changed dramatically.  And man, what a welcome relief.  Honestly, I can't tell you how happy I was.  I sat on that streetcar and couldn't wipe the smile off my face!

    So if you haven't noticed any changes like that, I dare say you will soon.  And when you do, really pay attention to it.  Because it is important to give yourself and your quit positive reinforcements.  Become super aware of every benefit to quitting you encounter, and make a mental note of it.  Because that way, when you are tempted to smoke, you can think about those benefits you have experienced, and they will help you to keep your quit.  Focus on the positives of quitting and the negatives of smoking.

    You are doing an awesome job, wizardsmom!  You should be really proud of yourself.
  8. elfridaauston87
    elfridaauston87 avatar
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    Welcome dear, and glad to hear about you.
8 posts, 0 answered