Forums / My journey / Staying Smoke Free

Staying Smoke Free

10 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    15 Aug 2018
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    Good Morning Everyone I quit last June 7/15

    How I start, I been experience all the Cravings, I took a shower, shave  and brush my Teeth, clean my Bathroom
    I do not know if was the whether or the work pressure, but I did not fail, I went to by my Nrt and the gum, and here I am sharing my day Victorious that I did it!

    An Other Day in my Quit!
    Have a wonderful Smoke Free Day!   We Deserve to be Free!
    Last modified on 15 Aug 2018 16:16 by brieffree
  2. susanyw
    susanyw avatar
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    Hi brieffree, 

    Congratulations to you!! You are right we do deserve it.  How long have you been quit.  I battle every day just over two months for me.
  3. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Congratulations on delaying and distracting yourself and using your nicotine gum! What a nice reward for your to feel that freedom from the cigarette. 

    susanyw, it does take one day at a time...

    You are all brave warriors in this war against cigarettes,


    Jenna Lee
  4. smitty
    smitty avatar
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    Congrats my friend. victory is yours today, you conquered a major hurtle, I am so glad that you reached out to us, rather then taking into your own hands, do you think that you came off the NRT's to soon, be proud of yourself, I know that I am proud of you, God bless my friend
  5. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Smitty

    That is my question, I been trying hard to stay free of all and I can not do it!
    I need support! I am so high addicted to smoking, I use to smoke every 10 min.

    No more, 0 zero! When I knew that I had to quit or else, time ago, I look for support and found the Mist and the Gum.

    I have my day's, is all depend how I feel, or eat, or the whether; I know how to  Battle the moment, The problem comes when I am out of Nrt!

    I can not control myself from that Animal inside of me! addiction or wherever! Is stronger than me!

    I control it most of the time, day's, weeks, months. But when it comes I need to be Prepare! And Celebrates my Victory!

    I feel good! I like to stay that way!

    Fight for Freedom from Nicodemon!
  6. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Brieffree,

    Victory! How sweet that conquest in the fight for freedom from smoking is! No more being a slave to addiction. Celebrations are definitely in order.

  7. susanyw
    susanyw avatar
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    Morning Brieffree, 
    I think we need to be kind to ourselves, no use beating ourselves up.  I went off the patch and I'm struggling, hey if I need to go back on I will we can be our own worst enemies.  Go easy on yourself and congratulate yourself on all you've accomplished so far.  Keep the Quit!!
  8. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    Thank you Brieffree,

    A great reminded for all of us!

  9. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi All

    Today is a better day. I have support and reduce my crave from it! I am a Non Smoker!

    I do not forget when I started my Joyner, I was under Medication! with 30 percent Damage of smoking in my lungs! Yes 30 Percent, you can image! Quit or else! that was the past!
    HO how I hate smokes at the beginning, I couldn't stay with an other smoking!  
    I really hate my self from smoking all those years!

    Gladly, that was it, the new me is an ex smoker, no more!

    Every day is a Fight, never give up!
    Even do with low pressure!

    Have a Wonderful smoke free day! 
  10. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi brieffree,

    I am so proud of you for keeping your quit.  Way to go, my friend!  Stay free and be happy!
10 posts, 0 answered