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I slipped!

16 posts, 7 answered
  1. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    I slipped yesterday and had part of a smoke :( It really didn't taste good and did nothing for me except make me more determined to stop for good. My stomach has been upset and I've had an awful headache since last night. I beat myself up about this for hours afterwards. Then I realized that mistakes happen and I learned something. I learned that I don't need cigarettes.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi susanm

    I am sorry to hear it, but is part of the quit! As far you go back to the quit zone, you are safe.
    Remember, every time you fail, you stand up! So say No More and that it.!

    You can do this!
  3. susanyw
    susanyw avatar
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    hi there,
    I also slipped a few weeks ago. I'd already been off them a few weeks,  tasted awful awful awful.  Man cigarettes have a powerful control over our minds.......I've been off them now 6 weeks and I still think about wanting to have a cigarette every single day.  When I quit years ago for 10 months that was what finally got me smoking again,  I couldn't stand the thinking about it.
    Good Luck Susanm
  4. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Susanm,

    Try not to be too hard on yourself. Slips can sometimes be a good learning experience when quitting. It sounds like you've really noticed how awful smoking made you feel and how much you don't need cigarettes.

    Do you know what brought you to smoke yesterday? If so, any plans on how you could manage it differently if it comes up again?

  5. smitty
    smitty avatar
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    Its like Emily said, try not to be to hard on yourself, Ive been slipping and sliding in and out of this program since I first entered this program back in 2008, slipping is part of the process that unfortunately we all have to go through, to me when we slip,  there is something not right within me that is not well, its my job to figure out what that something is, when  slipped this last time it devastated me, I had 8 years of successful quit under my belt, for me it was pride and arrogance that brought me back, for 2 years I punished myself, and when I quit this time I had to humble myself and leave it all at the door, all we can do is get up, brush myself  off and try again, do an inventory of yourself and and try and see if you can find where you went wrong, we are always here to support you Susamm, when your ready, come back to us, we are waiting  
    Last modified on 20 Jul 2018 14:34 by smitty
  6. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    Thanks brieffree, I felt so guilty and really didn't like the taste. I am glad it tasted so bad and I told the person who gave it to me NO MORE!
  7. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    Thank you susanyw! It did taste really awful which is why I didn't even smoke the whole thing. It also made me dizzy so no more! I have problems with my balance already, I don't need to be dizzy.
  8. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    Thanks Emily! I was really hard on myself at first. The look on my grandsons face when he saw me with that cigarette after I promised him I was done was really hard to see. He is my world and I disappointed him.
    After a  while I came here and read some posts about slipping and stopped being so harsh on myself.
    I really think it was just wanting one that got me. Since then if those thoughts come to my mind I remind myself how it made me feel and that look. I don't want to see that disappointment again.
    Last modified on 20 Jul 2018 14:54 by susanm
  9. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    Thanks smitty, I'm staying here! I had that one part of a smoke and none since. It's been over 24 hours and right now I don't even want one. I am going to make this work! I am determined to stay a non smoker!!! Thanks again for your support.
  10. susanyw
    susanyw avatar
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    hey no problem, we're human right, we need to go easy on ourselves.  
    yes, tasted awful, and made me feel a bit nauseous.  stay strong, you can do it.
  11. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    HI Susanm and susayw

    I did not quit in the 2 day's, If I am not remember bad, I slipped and relapse so many times, that I can even remember; Until, one day I saw my self in the mirror and say I am doing it again....

    The point is No matter what, or how many times you slips...  What that Matter is to prepare your self for the next time, you will be stronger and stronger...You are training to quit! You will not get rid of a Bad Habit in 1 day!

    You will Fantastic since you started to quit, you have the power, believe in you!
  12. smitty
    smitty avatar
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    Atta girl, we are all here for you, it's not easy but so rewarding when you can get through the day and say, just for today I was smoke free, and you know what, you can tell when your quit is going to be a lasting one, attitude is everything, I do my very best to start my day with a fresh perspective, I pledge to God, myself and all these amazing people here at smokers helpline that I am going to remain smokefree today, don't feel guilty when you fall short, we all have lapses in judgement, stay strong, renew your resolve, and start moving forward, all the best
  13. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    Thanks smitty! The day is almost over and it was probably the easiest day. I got myself a big bag of scotch mints for those times the patch isn't enough. Somebody walked by me smoking tonight and it didn't smell good. Maybe because of yesterday, maybe because I have had a headache all day. I don't know the reason but, it have me something else to think about when I do want a smoke. I'm going to try my hardest, one day at a time to stick to that pledge I made here.
  14. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    Thanks brieffree! I have tried on and off for almost 40 years. This time I'm doing it with the help and support of everyone here. I want this time to be my last time!
  15. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    Hi susanm

    It is so courageous of you to slip and to keep on trying - never give up! 
    I have been there, I have also quit so many times and gone back to smoking that it made it so hard to quit the last time. 

    My motto - thanks to Treepeo - is NOPE.  Not one puff ever. 
    the thinking that I could have one puff has led me to slips countless time and this time I am doing NOPE. 

    I'm glad you are continuing, and remembering that look on your grandson's face as your motivation.  it is really hard for kids to understand why we smoke in the first place, and why it is so hard to quit.

    I agree with the quit coach - understanding why we want the smoke or have the smoke will help us to shore up our quit plan to move around it next time.

    Keep up the quit and good for you for rebounding and sticking with it.
  16. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    Thanks Aurora,

    I am so determined to quit this time for me and my health. I want to quit for my kids and grandkids as well but, I think in order for it to work i have to be the priority.

    I think the only reason I had that smoke was 47 years of a bad habit. Even though the person I was with knew I was quitting she still handed me the smoke. I have told her not to again. 

    This weekend hasn't been too hard on me, which is good. I have kept busy and stocked up on mints. If my kind goes to smoking I make myself think of something else and remind myself that I pledged to have a smoke free day.
16 posts, 7 answered