92 posts
03 Jan 2019
25 Nov 2020
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well it has been 2years since my last smoke. I have saved $5263, and 8772 cigs not smoked. And I have saved 67 days of my life. Wow! What a journey it was, and still is to this day. I still have the odd craving, but thankfully it doesn't last very long. And gets easier as time goes on. Last week I had a beer and Clamato juice out on my deck with a friend, and really enjoyed it. I think thats the first one I had in the last 2 years that I didn't feel like I was missing the cig to go with it. I didn't even miss it until afterwards when I realized I hadn't even thought of it. That felt like a major turning point. Now I am really feeling like a nonsmoker!! But I know that I must live by Not One Puff Ever, as it would not be hard to relapse. Thank you to all the people on the helpline, it definitely helped me to stay quit. And hopefully telling my story might help someone else quitting this awful addiction. - mm