Forums / Welcome / Tips for Posting in the Community

Tips for Posting in the Community

9 posts, 0 answered
  1. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Everyone,  below are a few practical guidelines you may find helpful when communicating in the forums.  Some of the content is noted in the "terms of use".  Feel free to reach out to us through "contact us" for any clarification.  

    Stay On Topic:

    All posts should be related to the process of quitting smoking (or other tobacco products) or remaining quit.
    If you want to change the subject start a new thread in a forum where the subject title fits.  This way you won’t interrupt a thread (discussion). 

    Keep It Confidential:

    The discussion boards can be viewed by the public and it is possible for content to come up as a result of an internet search.
    Your posts become part of the public domain and may use them to promote the program.
    Remain anonymous by not using your first and/or last name or other information in your posts that might identify you, like the name of your employer.
    By keeping the forums anonymous it creates a safe place for members to share their personal experiences.
    Do not use “shout outs” (calling out to a specific member) and/or press a member for personal details. 

    Be a Good Community Member: is a moderated community and any post may be edited or deleted at the discretion of the moderators.  Posting privileges may be cancelled.
    Help create an environment that is welcoming and positive.
    Remember everyone’s experience with quitting is individual and may be different from yours.
    Be non-judgmental and respectful of other members’ beliefs in all your posts and choice of avatar.
    Mind your manners.
    Watch your language-profanity and sexually explicit content are prohibited.
    Share your own successes and challenges rather than offering advice based on hearsay or listing something you read about.

    Members Helping Members: 

    It is more friendly and respectful to respond to a member’s post by starting with their user name.
    Avoid typing in all CAPITAL LETTERS as this is considered shouting.  
    Consider saying thank you when you find someone’s response helpful.
    Remember that you don’t have to solve other members’ problems.  Just try to be supportive and acknowledge their difficulties. 
    Encourage other members to express themselves. 
    Try not to exaggerate or minimize other members’ emotions. For example, if a member says, "I am feeling a little down" a response stating, "I am hearing that you are depressed right now" wouldn’t be appropriate. 
    Remind other members of their successes, helping them appreciate their achievements.  
    By supporting others through the quitting process it will help you stay motivated and remain smoke free.
    If you are a long time successful quitter your posts in the forums often motivate others.  As a mentor your greatest contribution is through sharing your personal successes and lessons learned.
  2. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    I am new to forums. How do i open a new thread for the topic of Lung detox? Can someone please direct me? Congrats to all here for taking positive steps and best of luck. 
  3. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Hi shazzan,

    Welcome and thank you for joining our community. We are very happy to have you here with us. Know that everyone in here is very supportive. Come by anytime with questions, concerns or just to let us know how you are doing.

    To answer your question on how to open a new thread:

    1) Choose the forum: Welcome; The day to day; Cravings; My journey and so on…
    2) Click on New Thread

    If you have any questions, please call us at 1-877-513-5333 and we will be happy to assist you.
  4. scottybr
    scottybr avatar
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    30 Dec 2018
    15 Jan 2019 in reply to marianne, quit coach
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    Hello, My name is Scotty and, I'm proud to say that I'm smoke free since January 1st my quit date. I am a chef by trade and tonight my wife and I will celebrate with a special dinner that I'm preparing while she works..I cannot work as I am recovering from surgery for esophageal cancer. the doctors removed a 3 x 3 cm tumor from my esophagus last May. The doctor says they got it all but recovery is long and stressful. I also have severe copd which is one of my reasons for quitting. Since quitting, my breathing is much easier. I use my inhaler much less, my taste and appetite have improved { I lost 100lbs after the surgery} My sense of smell is better and I'm sleeping much better. I wish to say thank you for the daily e mails of encouragement with helpful tips. When I get a craving , I have Nicorette lozenges plus any brand of sugarless gum. I think of how much money that can now go into the household finances instead of up in smoke and that helps me to move forward. Thank You again. 2 weeks smoke free and moving forward. 
    Last modified on 15 Jan 2019 16:35 by Quit Coach 2
  5. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    17 Jan 2019 in reply to scottybr
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    Hi scottybr,

    Congratulation on your new years quit! We always encourage you to reward yourself for the hard work you are doing so glad to hear about the nice dinner. 

    Sorry about your health challenges but happy that you have improvements since quitting. You have so much to look forward to so keep up the amazing work you are doing! Be proud you are taking advantages of your resources too, like us and the lozenges.


    Jenna Lee
  6. martha
    martha avatar
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    26 Jan 2019 in reply to scottybr
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    Thanks for sharing your progress! It sounds like you've been through a lot. I'm so happy to hear you're breathing better! I had a football-sized tumor removed from my ovary, three years ago, to this day. I was 36 years old at the time. I have not been able to kick the habit until recently. I just quit January 2nd and am already feeling better. This is my first post on the forum... your story caught my eye. Reading about your positivity and strength was very comforting. Wishing you continued success and thanks again for sharing your journey with us!
  7. midday12
    midday12 avatar
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    26 Mar 2019 in reply to scottybr
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    Hello scottybr's like the idea when getting cravings used lozenges nicorette or sugarless gum i will have too try that.
  8. jil2019
    jil2019 avatar
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    I’m new to this site; it was recommended by my Quit Coach. This is my sixth day of being cigarette-free. Yay me! I’ve had mostly an easy past week, with few but intense cravings. I remind myself of my reasons for quitting, including breaking the control that cigarettes have over me. I’ll do anything I can think of or that is recommended by people like you. I hope you’re all having a bright and strong day. 🤗
  9. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Welcome jil2019 - we are happy to have you here! 
    And congratulations on being quit for 6 days - sounds like you took on the urge to smoke by using your reasons to quit as motivation - what a effective strategy! 
    We are here to support you & you've come to a strong, helpful community.
    All the best and enjoy the rest of your (smoke-free) day
9 posts, 0 answered