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starting all over

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    tomorrow is my new quit date.  lasted 7 months the last time. I'm sure i can do it this time. 
  2. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Good luck on your new quit. Keep posting. I have not seen a lot of posts lately and I find them very helpful I’m sure you will too. Sometimes this quitting is so hard   I’m at 6 months and it’s driving me crazy lately. Remember NOPE.  And one day at a time 
  3. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well done freedomchild. You're not alone. I have a few smokes left and Im gonna be back on the horse again too. Ive managed to go a few days without them so I know I can do it but its just so difficult to get that motivation back that I had earlier this year. We know the drill... it can be done and those smokes will not win this time.
    You got to 7 months which was fantastic... I made it to 6 and then the cracks appeared. one here and there soon turned into a full blown habit again. Grrrrr.
  4. freedomchild
    freedomchild avatar
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    Today is my new start day. Its awful having to start all over but here it goes. I have asthma so i was hacking day and night. Could barely even sleep some times. I had my last one yesterday afternoon so last night wasn't as bad. so here it goes a brand new start.

  5. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    You might be starting all over, but you're starting over with all that you've learned and the skills you've already practiced ... you have a nice big head start! 

    Wishing you well with today and the days that follow. Nice work on getting started, freedomchild! 
  6. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Great news Freedomchild. You can do this. Keep saying NOPE and believing in  yourself. I will be cheering for you. 
  7. nateway95
    nateway95 avatar
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    Wishing you luck. 
  8. dogmother
    dogmother avatar
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    Best of luck Freedomchild, and you can do it. I'll be rooting for you 
8 posts, 0 answered