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So hard making the break

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. bambi23
    bambi23 avatar
    2 posts
    28 Jan 2024
    07 Feb 2024
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    I am using Champix for my quit this time. I have used it before but when I moved up to the maintenance dose the nausea and vomiting was bad enough where I stopped it because it was horrible. This time when I take my Champix I only take it after I have eaten a meal. I am 4 days into the maintenance dose and only a few minor bouts with nausea so far. I am down to the 3 cigarettes a day but I am finding is so difficult to break the 3 and just quit. Its not that I am having any cravings. I havent been able to figure out why I am wanting a cigarette other than during the day I have one and nothing more than that. I have been chewing gum drinking cold water more than I do any coffee. I have false teeth so I cant brush them but I got mouthwash instead so I get the same clean mouth. I am not sure what else to do to keep to my quit. I have been doing cross stich I also have been doing a paint by numbers as well as diamond painting so I keep my hands busy. I am also taking a couple courses trying to bridge moving from my graduating high school years ago to taking a course at the college. Upgrading entry level courses. That I find when am working on therm it keeps my mind busy as well as my hands, I do go outside but am in a power chair so with the weather is not always an option. I have a buddy as well for support she is my dog Bambi that I adopted in April from the human society. We have gotten the strongest bond. She is 12. She helps support me and I support and love her. so I dont feel alone doing stuff. Does anyone have any suggestions as to anything else I could use or do that will help me?
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    07 Feb 2024
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    Hello bambi23, and welcome to our forums. It's so nice to hear about all of the progress you've made, and that you have such good company with your buddy Bambi. It sounds like you are really working this quit on every angle and finding lots of ways to keep busy, motivated, and strong. 

    As for suggestions to knock out those final 3 cigarettes, from what you say it sounds like you're not wanting the cigarette really, you are just smoking because it's there. I'd love to hear other's suggestions as well, but I'll throw my 2 cents in too. It might help, if you haven't done so yet, to pick a quit date. The day before that date comes, you could clean house of any remaining cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays. That way you won't find yourself reaching for a cigarette and lighting up just out of old habits, just because the cigarettes are there. 

    Wishing you continued success! 

  3. charsie
    charsie avatar
    3 posts
    04 Feb 2024
    08 Feb 2024 in reply to bambi23
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    I don't know your personal financial situation, but if you have the $20, it's worth ordering the paperback "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking" from Amazon or elsewhere.  There's even one version specifically for women.  I can see that you are smoking for the sake of smoking - not craving them is HUGE, a HUGE step. I'm so happy for you winning that battle.  Champix is amazing.  So the habit part of it, the book will absolutely 100% help you deal with.  I hope it's ok to recommend this book on this forum, quit coaches?  And of course, everything efram said...get rid of the temptation, get rid of the possibility, the option to smoke.  They cannot be handy!  Let me know how it goes.  My quit date is February 9th.
  4. sheza, quit coach
    sheza, quit coach avatar
    15 posts
    16 Oct 2023
    12 Feb 2024 in reply to charsie
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    Thank you for sharing your insights and recommendations, Charsie. While we don't actively recommend specific resources like 'Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking' since there aren't scientific studies demonstrating its effectiveness, many individuals have found it inspiring and helpful based on feedback from our clients. It's worth noting that the book may be available at the library for free, making it easily accessible for those who are interested in exploring it further. Good luck as you embark on your quit journey too Charsie, you guys got this! 
4 posts, 0 answered