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No smoking for better health

10 posts, 5 answered
  1. jory
    jory avatar
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    Just posting to say hi as I just joined today. I am planning on quitting smoking soon and will no doubt need support on my quitting journey.  I look forward to reading about other experiences people have had while adapting to living without smoking addiction.
  2. ace29
    ace29 avatar
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    Hi Jory,

    I just joined the program as well so welcome, want to quit smoking for myself and my little one starting tomorrow, looking forward to this program as I've never tried something like this before, good luck to everyone as we all know the struggle.
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Welcome jory and welcome ace29,

    You have come to the right place for help.  This forum was a lifeline for me when I quit.

    Try to read through some of the material on this site.  It will help you to prepare for your quit.  You have to decide whether you will be using an NRT or whether you will be trying to quit cold turkey.  And you need to decide whether or not to tell your family and friends that you are quitting.

    What helped me was to keep myself distracted.  I read books, played video games, went for walks, and cooked.  And when the cravings got bad, I would try to sleep, because you don't crave when you sleep.  And I figured it would help to pass the time quicker.  Also drink lots of water to help get the toxins out of your body.

    Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit and refer to it often.  It will help to motivate you.  Know that you can change your life for the better.  And be prepared to live by NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).  All you have to do is avoid having even one puff.  If you do that, you will  become a non-smoker in no time.

    Good luck to you both.  You are making the right decision.  Quitting is so worth all of the effort.  You won't regret it.
  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Jory and ace29

    Welcome to helpline, and Congrats in start your Journey to live Free of smoking and start leaving better and better!
    Please keep clear your reason why you want to quit! That will help you in everyday try!

    Also Post how you do? it will help you to feel better.
    I quit more that 5 years ago and I am so grateful that I found this site, all the amazing people who support us are waiting and rotting for you!

    You are not Alone, One day at the time! Never give up!

    All the best   
  5. jory
    jory avatar
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    ace 29, brieffree and treepeo1 Thanks for the support replies.  I have had a rough couple of days just thinking of quitting.  I admit I am scared to try to quit.
  6. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Jory

    I vey Normal to \feel that, here is some tips
    - Be prepare
    -Drink plenty water
    - Focus in the positive, try to think in the money you will safe.
    - what will you do instead of hearting your lungs.
    - All those feelings are normal, your mind is trying to play a game with you! as time goes by you will have more confidence in your self to get rid off of those negative thoughts.
    - It helps a lot to distract yourself when you feel that way, always thinking in something healthy and  benefic to you!
    Try to right to make a list, a plan what to do instead in those moments, you will be surprise!
    -  Do not forget that we are dealing with a Bad behavior, slowly and slowly, moment and moments, the Confidence in your self will grow and you will remember.

    I hope you feel better

    All the best  
  7. jory
    jory avatar
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    Thank you Brieffree
  8. jory
    jory avatar
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    How did it go today for you?
  9. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Jory

    Is all good, everyday is a challenge, every situation, moment or confrontation, is a rezone to to sleep. Is up to Me, to change my mind in those Moments, 
    My relationship with smokes was so high, i was too deep into it. About long ago, I started to feel wire, My legs don't work, no power, coifing every brief,  All my clouts with holes, I was a mess.
    Until one day, I went to the Doctor with my daughter. Doctor told me in front of her, do you want me to help you. Well you must quit! He said. That was it. That was my turning point. 
    I confront my self with all my past, my fears, pain and many different sensations played a game with me for a long time. That was my mind clearing up of all chemicals, so my body started to change day by day, I walk a lot, I always trying to distract my self doing something to do not fail into the crave.
    That was a short version of my Journey. more than 5 years ago, I am now a free Man.
    My relationship with smokes is no longer in my life.
    But as a high addict of course i need support, I quit cold turkey, after 2 weeks my cravings come all in ones and I fail then I went back to the quit Zone! For long time! until one day I quit failing, cheating and Accept that I need help, I use Nrt spray when I need it. And look for local help,
    I am so proud of my self! no matter how long or how many times did I fail and quit again, I never stay quit long like this, i change every aspect of my live, every rezone to fail.
    I know what I want, just to brief free! that's it!

    Be nice, with your self, you are work it! So is yours lungs!

    All the best
    Last modified on 28 Aug 2020 06:39 by brieffree
  10. jory
    jory avatar
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    Thank you for sharing your story with me!  I am grateful.  It’s very positive to see another’s success with quitting smoking.  I’m feeling like I am ready to try to quit today.  I was going to try having only 1 smoke per hour to start.  Mabe I should just try not to smoke at all. I have been feeling really good today.  I believe the key is to keep myself busy with housework, crocheting, going for drives. Thinking about how refreshing and good it feels to be smoke free in the moments of not smoking seems to be helping.  It really is a feeling of freedom when choosing to not smoke. I try to remind myself to make the right choice.
10 posts, 5 answered