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6 posts, 0 answered
  1. suemac
    suemac avatar
    5 posts
    18 Oct 2019
    30 Oct 2019
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    Hello everyone,
    I have been a smoker for over 40 years and have just completed day 15 cold turkey. I feel anxious all the time, not sleeping and breathing worse than when I was smoking. 
    Your site has kept me focused and let me know I am not alone. I have not told my husband that I have quit( if has has noticed, has not said anything) I don’t feel he would be supportive and his attitude would be “about time” and never let me forget if I slipped even once. 
    it is hard to accept that I am an addict, but that is what I am. I feel good that I can do this. Have tried before but never lasted very long. 
  2. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    30 Oct 2019 in reply to suemac
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    Hi sumac!

    15 days cold turkey!! That's amazing and I'm celebrating for you!

    I found the 15 day point really hard and was so close to caving in. But I cam here, reached out for support, and decided I respected my quit too much to go back.

    What you are doing is hard work .... no, it's bigger than hard work and that deserves recognition and self respect. I'm sorry you don't feel your husband isn't supportive, but just remember what you're doing is empowering for You. And no one can take that from you, right?

    So, my friend, stay strong because I promise it does get better each day and I'm proud of you!
  3. suemac
    suemac avatar
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    18 Oct 2019
    01 Nov 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Hi Justfortoday 
    thanks for the encouragement. I like you am coming close to caving(hopefully I wont) just keep saying to myself make it through the day.
  4. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    01 Nov 2019 in reply to suemac
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    Hey there suemac ….

    I know how hard this is, I really do. AND, I know that it's possible. I'm at the two month mark, and never would I have thought I could do it. I smoked for so long that life without smoking seemed like the worst thing possible.  But now my life is amazing! And it can be for you too.

    A couple of things that might help … 

    Spend some time learning about exactly what happens during addiction withdrawal, both physically as well as the emotional dependency. This does two things. 1) The more you understand what is happening and what to expect, the more you are able to manage the cravings. 2) When we learn something new, it triggers dopamine in the brain. This is something that nicotine does as well, so in a sense, you are re-training your brain to find other, and more natural ways to produce dopamine. 

    Another thing that might help is to take some time and write down a vision of yourself smoking (for me it was the image of myself in the middle of winter trying to desperately light a cigarette in a snow storm). And then, write down a vision of who you look like as a non-smoker (again, for me it was the image of me hugging my small granddaughters knowing they would never see their Nana smoking). It can be whatever you want and by providing your brain with positive images you are empowered to fight for your quit.

    Please know that you are not alone, suemac! I'm right there with you. I promise.  

    One more suggestion; post how you are feeling under the "Craving" section in the Community Forum. You will be amazed at the people who show up to help you through this. 

    I'll check in on you tomorrow, okay? 

    Stay strong.
  5. suemac
    suemac avatar
    5 posts
    18 Oct 2019
    02 Nov 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Hi Justfortoday,
    Thank you again for you encouragement. Feeling better today.
    your suggestions are so welcome. 
    will also post under cravings.
  6. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    02 Nov 2019 in reply to suemac
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    Awesome awesome awesome sumac!!

    You got through a rough day yesterday, and I'm so happy to see you here tonight.

    Yes, there are going to be hard days, but everytime you get through it, you are getting stronger than your addiction and the cravings will get weaker.

    One hour at a time. Don't worry about tomorrow or next week. Just focus on an hour at a time.

    You are doing a great job!

6 posts, 0 answered