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31 Dec 2018
30 Mar 2019
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There are so many different quit methods, the only one that matters is the one that gets you to keep your quit. Mostly though it boils down to the willpower to want to quit and to stay quit - it is hard work and it takes effort. It took me more than 30 years to figure that out and realize Not One Puff Ever. I quit having smoked pack a day. Tried the cut down method and only left myself more agitated each day as my body wanted more nicotine. Cold Turkey is what did it for me. Others use NRT's or Champix. Those are tools to help smooth out the nicotine withdrawal. The hard part of quitting is the mental side - dealing with the addict in your head, breaking routines we are so used to (coffee/smoke, get in car/smoke, done eating/smoke, etc).
Best you can do is learn all you can about quitting smoking. Lots of good stuff on this site and elsewhere. Put a quit plan together. Pick a date or just go for it.
Seeing as you are trying to work on weaning the best I can suggest is break the routine. Don't have a smoke when you normally would. But you know, if you can get down to 5 a day, just finish the next pack and see how long you can go without having a smoke. A day, maybe two, more?
Oh Yeah - I did the old keep a pack of smokes to show them who's boss when I quit thing - the smokes won every time. This time I tossed everything, including all butt cans and lighters.