168 posts
12 Aug 2019
23 Oct 2019
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Hey forjj,
I totally understand where you're coming from. I smoked for over 40 years, and although I wanted to quit, I too thought "what's the point". I had no idea who I was without smoking and the shame I felt was horrible. I was also terrified that smoking would kill me and would quickly turn off the tv if any commercial came on talking about the risks if smoking.
I thought myself weak ... I just didn't have what it took to be a nonsmoker.
You aren't alone and the fact that you reached out here is a good indicator you are ready to try this. I think everything you're feeling is valid and like many of us here, it's the jump off point.
My quit is relatively new (somewhere between 7 and 8 weeks), and it was super hard. But I cannot believe how amazing I feel, physically and mentally. I get to decide what my life is going to look like now, and cigarettes don't decide for me. I'm empowered now to tackle other things I didn't have the courage to try before because I never knew the strength I had!
Quitting is hard. The fear of quitting is real. AND it can be done. Reach out when you need to and I promise to stand by you as you make this journey.