Forums / Welcome / It’s that time….Again!! Hoping it’s the last time.

It’s that time….Again!! Hoping it’s the last time.

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. standley
    standley avatar
    2 posts
    26 Jun 2022
    26 Jun 2022
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    The first time I quit smoking, I was free for almost 20yrs… then my Hubby died….  For 5 yrs I was smoking/ quitting every other day.  Then it happened.. I managed to quit for good… until my sister died (3 yrs later)..   and here I am again.  2 1/2 yrs smoking, and I want to be done.  I feel trapped by this habit. I love it, but I hate it so much more..   It’s the stress that keeps me running back..  I actually hate smoking most of the time, My clothes stink, my hair smells, My hands smell, I am a social outcast amongst my friends/ family..  why do I cling to them so much… why do I have anxiety when I am down to my last few, and cannot get to a store.. I hate this. I need help, support, encouragement and accountability…. 
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    27 Jun 2022
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    Hang on in there Standley. Smoking is a horrible habit that takes so much and gives nothing back. You've come to the right place for help with this.. we have all been there and know what its like. Have you already quit, or set a quit date?
  3. standley
    standley avatar
    2 posts
    26 Jun 2022
    28 Jun 2022
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    Thanks for the encouragement!  I have set a quit day for Aug8.  Its the day before my dad travels over from the UK..   I  cutting back slowly.  Marking each smoke I have, and reducing my daily amount.  I have tried the patch.. not successful at my curre t amount, but hoping that when I am down to a few a day, it could get me over the hump more.....   
3 posts, 0 answered