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I want to, but can I really quit?

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. vitoval
    vitoval avatar
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    Ill be 30 in a few years, been smoking for majority of my life.. Recently, the wheezing and coughing has been really bad.. everytime I light a cigg I always think, why do I continue to smoke when Im wheezy as f' ? I never tried to quit, until recently, I set  a quit date 3 weeks ago, lasted 1 day - was my first time in a long time choosing not to smoke, but same ol same ol i started again. 

    Can I really do this? I want to...

    How did you get by the first week, the first 3 days? How do you cope with cravings? The before bed cigg? that's my weakest point, I love smoking before bed. 
    I want to quit but I know I need this help.. any tips would be helpful. 
    Last modified on 04 May 2020 01:35 by vitoval
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Vitoval

    Welcome to help line, and answer to your question is yes totally.
    I quit almost 5 years ago, I quit 3 pks a day and was roller-coaster of feelings, I sleep and relapse so many times, but one day, after traying so hard, I quit quitting, no more cheating, 

    You now how you are, the key is how you prepare for next time!
    Maybe if you plan what to do instead of smoke works!
    Keep trying, one day at the time, never give up!

    You can do this!
    You have a choice

    All the best!
  3. clarence
    clarence avatar
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    I stumbled last and bought a pack. I smoked it all today. I am trying to cut down first so i have someone i can give half a pack and smoke other half. I use a  patch as well. I have been smoking for over 30 yrs and the thought of being smoke free doesnt register w me. So do my best and take it one day aat a time.
  4. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Vitoval and clarence, welcome! 

    Vitoval, you're on the right track in asking these questions so you can plan ahead, like brieffree suggests. This could be a good time for some trial and error before setting a new quit date; see what works, and get a head start in breaking the habit. 

    Forum members: what are some of your suggestions in answer to vitoval's questions, "How did you get by the first week, the first 3 days? How do you cope with cravings? The before bed cigg?"

    Clarence, hopefully the more you have success with cutting down, the easier it will be to picture yourself being smoke-free! Cutting down will be your sneak preview. One day at a time, if you keep going, you're bound to reach your destination. Please keep us posted! 
  5. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi vitoval,

    I smoked for over 43 years and quit 3 years ago.  I'm not going to lie.  It was really hard to do, and I did it cold turkey.  I quit with the help of this site.

    I had tried to quit many times in the past, but this time was different.  This time I told myself I had to get serious, otherwise nothing would ever change.  By day 3 I was going out of my mind.  But I worked hard to distract myself.  I went for a walk, I played computer games, I cooked a meal.  When a craving hit, I waited 10 minutes, and then another 10 minutes, until the craving passed.  I looked at my list of all the reasons why I wanted to quit.  And I told myself over and over that I was choosing to quit.

    You may not have been successful in the past, but today is a new day.  And every time you try to quit you can learn something about what works for you and what doesn't.

    When we quit, we go through a little bit of pain for a whole lifetime of gain.  Trust me, it is worth it. It is great to break free from this addiction.  You will appreciate the freedom, and the amount of time you regain to do other things.

    Never quit trying to quit.  One day it is going to stick.
  6. lasttry
    lasttry avatar
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    I’m on day 4. Cold turkey. I’ve quit before and then started again. I WAS a smoker for 28 years. Each time I started again i smoked less but still hated giving up on my hard work.  
    I never smoked in the house but would smoke in the car. My first time quitting to prepare I stopped smoking in the car. I stopped smoking with my morning coffee. I tried to remove some of the triggers to make it easier to quit. 

  7. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi lasttry

    Congrats in your day 4, quit smoking is a new way to live! The key is to prepare your self!
    Sounds good to slow down until you are ready, but look at how much you use and continue making restrictions, avid failing for it!
    Regard your self in a healthy way for a good job!
  8. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Congratulations on day 4! You have done a great job at changing your environments and making them smoke-free so that quitting is easier. 

    Disappointment in relapsing is normal, and actually a good thing. It means quitting is important to you. Try to use that negative emotion as motivation if you can.

    Keep up the amazing work,

    Jenna Lee
8 posts, 0 answered