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I’m back

8 posts, 1 answered
  1. stomper
    stomper avatar
    3 posts
    04 Nov 2020
    19 Oct 2021
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    So here I am again. Going for attempt #4. I’ve set my quit date. Just hope I can make it work this time!
  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Welcome back, stomper! You're in the right place for support & info.
    And congrats on setting your date, and dedicating yourself to quitting. 

    We are cheering you on. Please update us as much as you want to...
    Take care and you can DO this!


  3. wandam
    wandam avatar
    241 posts
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    28 Oct 2021 in reply to stomper
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    Hi stomper, 

    Good for you in having the determination to quit again. I just like you am working my fourth quit & just celebrated 1 year on Oct 12. Never give up! Take Care
  4. stomper
    stomper avatar
    3 posts
    04 Nov 2020
    04 Nov 2021
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    Day 2 of not smoking! So far so good. I’m using the patch. I haven’t had any really bad cravings …..yet!
  5. lesleyaf
    lesleyaf avatar
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    Hi Stomper! Welcome back! Congratulations on your decision to try again! Quitting is hard but it can be done! 
    I feel that checking back in to the site often definitely helps me when I’m having severe cravings and want to give up. 
    Good luck and keep it up!

  6. lesleyaf
    lesleyaf avatar
    37 posts
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    05 Nov 2021 in reply to wandam
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    Wandam!!!! Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! That is so awesome! I’m proud of you!!!
  7. stomper
    stomper avatar
    3 posts
    04 Nov 2020
    08 Nov 2021 in reply to lesleyaf
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    UGH…. I just lit a cigarette. Took 2 puffs and put it out. Tasted so gross. 
    My husband and daughter are smokers, and an open pack was sitting on the kitchen counter. It was like I couldn’t resist. It was like I just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t like smoking that cigarette! And thankfully I didn’t like it at all.
    I will keep on course! 
  8. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
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    08 Nov 2021 in reply to stomper
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    Thank you for your honesty and sharing your experience with this slip. It is one many of us have gone through. Luckily it turned out to be a good thing since the taste reinforced one of your reasons to quit: you don't enjoy it.

    For the future, if you are comfortable doing so, having an open discussion with family members and how they can support you may help. This doesn't mean you are asking/pressuring them to quit, but just support you in your efforts by being more discreet about their smoking.

    Congratulations for keeping on course!

    Jenna Lee
8 posts, 1 answered