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08 Oct 2020
09 Nov 2020
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Good Morning Everyone
I was over a pack and half / day smoker, who has smoked for about 48 years. Since taking in so much nicotine a day and quitting cold turkey sounded overwhelming to me. I decided to take the month of October and cut my smoking down while preparing my quit plan. I got down to 10 a day and my quit date was Nov. 5. I am using the stage 2 patch.
I'm able to fight through and distract myself during the daytime. My problem area is the evening. By then I'm tired of fighting the urge and have no energy left to get up and distract. I would say my craving is sort of like if you have pain and you fight through that pain all day but by evening you are just done with it. I've tried all the suggested drink water, drink it through a straw, holding something like a pen, I also have a no nicotine e cigarette. But nothing really seems to help. So thats when I cave with 1 or 2 cigarettes. I go to bed about 2 hours earlier just to avoid smoking more, but then that has me up earlier in the morning.