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Here I am, Back Again

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. kittie_v
    kittie_v avatar
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    29 Mar 2019
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    Hello everyone!
    I am a member from way way back.  I have quit a few times but always went back to smoking after a few months.  So I am giving it another shot because there is so much more to gain than loose with each attempt.
    A little bit about me:  I am 34.  Married.  2 kids.  I am a law clerk at a Family Law firm. I started smoking when I was 9 years old with some breaks here and there.  My mother lost her battle to lung cancer back in 2010 [not sure why that wasn't enough motivation to quit] and two years ago I lost my sister who was the same age I am now [not a result of smoking].
    I seem to always sabotage my quits with things like "Well life is so stressful" or "I really enjoy smoking so why should I give up something I enjoy".  These are just excuses because quitting is so hard and so scary.
    These forums have really helped me in the past so I am hoping I can make them work again.  I am also using the gum and vaping [though I do not want to do this long term].  My quit date is set for April 1st but I am aiming for a bit sooner.
    Wish me luck! And good luck and strength to those on their own journey.

    Last modified on 29 Mar 2019 14:10 by kittie_v
  2. butterflyna
    butterflyna avatar
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    Welcome back kittie_v/Nicole :)

    So glad you are back! I came here in Feb of 2018 but didn't really want to quit. Came back again Feb this year and have had some struggles but never wanna give up on quitting.
    I love what you say about "more to gain than loose with each attempt" ... So very true! You have excellent reasons for quitting which is always a great incentive.
    I also love your honesty. Self Sabotaging has always been a problem for me too. Whether it be smoking, relationships, etc. At least you know it and can use coping skills to call yourself on it whenever you see yourself looking down that road.  Quittin is so hard and definitely scary. All new feelings ... but we do get used to the new feelings in time and they become part of us just like smoking did. Not smoking will become the "norm" for us. I can't wait for that but have to lol. These forums are awesome as I'm sure you know if your coming back. The best of luck to you and know we are all here for you. KCB, ODAAT <3

  3. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Nicole/kittie_v,

    Welcome back and congratulations for making this important decision to quit again! We are happy to have you here with us and we believe that you can succeed - You have quit before, you seem well prepared and motivated. You also have some tools – the gum and the vapor cigarette, and you have set a quit date for April 1st – that`s wonderful!

    You have such a great awareness about yourself and you’ve done a wonderful job with building your skills and your plan. Like you said, there is more to gain than to lose with each attempt. With this strong and positive mindset, you can do this!

    We all know that quitting smoking is not easy. It’s a big lifestyle change where your routine and habits can be upside down, and things can be tough sometimes. But, remember that you are not alone in your quit journey, we are here for you. If you have any questions or concerns, call us at 1-877-513-5333 and we’ll be happy to help you.

    We are thrilled for you and thank you for sharing your journey with us.
  4. kittie_v
    kittie_v avatar
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    I made it to day 1 and I am still on board with the quit.  I weaned down all last week to about 2 a day and yesterday I smoked like 6 cigarettes... I am feeling the effects today as it feels like I never cut down in the first place.  Emotions are running a little high this morning so I am trying to stay distracted.   I was looking forward to work today to help but my little one is home with a fever so I really need to put the work in today.

    My husband bought some plants and wants me to make doilies for them.  Guess now is a better time then ever to pick the crochet hooks back up.
    Last modified on 01 Apr 2019 08:32 by kittie_v
  5. atp
    atp avatar
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    Hey Kittie_v -

    Congrats on Day 1 of your quit!!!!

    You've got the gum and mist and you are already working up a plan to keep busy by crocheting a bunch of doilies. Keep yourself busy, drink lots of water, and most importantly keep positive. 

    Since you haven't smoked yet today your blood pressure, pulse rate and the temperature of your hands and feet have already returned to normal. By the end of the day today your blood oxygen level will have increased to normal. Carbon monoxide levels have dropped to normal. It starts to happen that quick. Soon you'll notice your sinuses feel better, that cough is going away, and you will smell so much better. In the next 2-3 days you're going to be jogging up the stairs to work and breathing so much better. 

    So much exciting stuff to look forward to. I pushed myself through going cold turkey by motivation of all the positives. I remember my wife one day during the first week while I was struggling telling me I smell better and snuggling up to me. That was such an amazing moment. You'll find your moments too. 

  6. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Hi kittie_v, good for you for deciding to quit again. It sounds like you are ready to take that step, and crocheting would be a great distraction. I found the 4Ds were a great help. I used the patch for the 10 required weeks, except overnite, and chewed Nic gum when the urges were really strong. We all have to find what works for our quit, and sometimes it needs to be modified along the way. I have found a lot of good ideas reading the posts, and checking in with the helpline. Quitting smoking is easier when you don't have to do it alone, so glad you are here! - m
6 posts, 0 answered