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Freaking out already

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. tea
    tea avatar
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    My quit date is April 1...3 hours away and i am already freaking out. Sure, i get to go to bed soon but eventually the morning will come and 
    .. .. Omg! I have been in tears on amd off for the last 2 hours..the drama. This is crazy!!
  2. kittie_v
    kittie_v avatar
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    Hi tea!
    Day one for me too today.  This is not my first quit but I am hoping it's my last.  I cut down leading up to today and it was fine but now this morning I'm feeling it! 
    I find taking the pledge really helps motivate. 
    Good luck and come here whenever you need to.  Be strong it is worth it! 
  3. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    Happy First Day tea and kittie_v,

    I am so happy that you decided to join our forums! It's a great place to find support and get your emotions out. Remember, take this ONE DAY AT A TIME.

    I find that sometimes people get too anxious thinking about the big (daunting) picture, but be gentle on yourself. Take baby steps and work through it day-by-day.

    The members in this community are great, and you can always reach out and speak with a Quit Coach (1-877-513-5333).

    WAY TO GO!!!

    -nadia b.
    Last modified on 01 Apr 2019 09:29 by nadia b, quit coach
  4. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    tea and kittie,

    You can do this!!! You are absolutely capable of doing this.  I'm not going to lie, it will be difficult, but you can do this.

    Quitting is a journey, a journey of which you are just beginning.  There are many pathways, obstacles, and alternative detours along the route.  Take it one day at a time - heck, take it one hour at a time.  Find something to take your mind off smoking.  Get active and get that little dopamine rush from activity instead of nicotine.  Jumping Jacks in the hallway are always good for a little laugh.

    Use the resources on this site - they will help you.  And remember to smile!

  5. tea
    tea avatar
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    01 Apr 2019
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    Thanks everybody. OMG this has been "a day" for sure. Thank God my hubsand is supportive although he is not quitting himself. So I run a daycare..yes 8 2 year olds and 2 1 year olds all day long. I found my self in tears most of the day and teying to keep my eyes open the rest. Falling asleep is one of my withdrawl symptoms..i sleep and sleep and sleep. At one point i had to get into my car and just drive away ( my husband sat with the kids) and that was yet anothwr test...i typically turn the engine on and light a smoke...not this time. I found myself at shoppers drug mart..they see me there quite regular because i like points...and thank God because i am a mess.. I walk tears and talkimg to my self " you can do this! And you can get new shoes when you succeed..expwnsive ones and a pedicure to go with them." Serious...what a sight. Anybody else would have called the psych ward on me.  But the cashier came up and offered assistance...i said i need quit smoking aides before i kill some one. She giggled and said hun..if you commit murder you will go to jail and hun, you can't smoke there either. I needed that giggle. So now i have some mints to help me through and a giggle to remember. Its 6pm now going to bed. I WILL make it to day 2 and it WILL be a smidge better.!! 
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi tea,

    First I have to say, taking care of that many kids would make me cry, never mind trying to quit at the same time.  You are one brave cookie!

    Do whatever you have to do to keep the quit, tea.  If you have to sleep more, then do it.  At least when you sleep you don't crave, which is why I enjoyed my naps so much!

    Try to keep yourself distracted, and drink lots and lots of water.  You have the ability to quit, and you deserve to live life as a non-smoker.  Keep the faith, and keep your sense of humour.  You're gonna need it.
  7. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
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    HOLY(no)SMOKES tea!! What a day indeed!! But you know what? You got through it!! Remember to celebrate each day. 

    I am so happy that you knew exactly what you had to do and went to Shoppers. Those quit aides are there so you need not suffer through the quit. They will definitely help you through the withdrawal symptoms to make things more tolerable.

    You got this!!

    -nadia b.
  8. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Tea

    Congrats in your 1 smoke day Free!

    Relax, all you feel is ok. you need to rest, and  drink plenty of water!

    You are doing great! you can do this!

    If you are so crazy, you might explore some NRT products to help you out for a wile! Until you feel confident to keep the quit!

    All the best for you and your Family! We are here to support you and cheer you up!

    You are not Alone! You can do this!

8 posts, 0 answered