Forums / Welcome / Calling all successful Champix quitters - I need to hear from you please

Calling all successful Champix quitters - I need to hear from you please

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  1. angela72.12
    angela72.12 avatar
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    12 Nov 2018
    12 Nov 2018
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    Hello everyone, I'm new here.
    I'm 46 year old female, and I've been smoking since I was 16. I've stopped a few times, when I was pregnant and I lost a 4 year quit 3 years ago, which I quit cold turkey. Ever since I've been trying to quit. This time around, I needed the extra help, so I've opted for Champix. It hasn't been easy, the side effects are not fun, but I'm pushing on... I started it Nov 1st, and today was suppose to be my quit day. The craving are gone, and Champix has removed the desire to smoke, so now I just need to let go. It's the mental aspect that I'm struggling with. So today is day 12, and was suppose to be my quit date but I smoked this morning. It was nasty lol It was just part of my habit of driving etc.  I'm here because I really I want to hear from others that have used Champix successfully.
    Here are my fears: getting depressed. The side effects have been I'm VERY TIRED and unmotivated, and some gastoro issues, but I know this is temporary. 
    I just want to know that these feeling will go away after this course of Champix?
    Those of you that have had success quitting this way, I really need to hear from you.
    Thank you so much.
  2. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    12 Nov 2018 in reply to angela72.12
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    Hi angela72.12,

    Just wanted to welcome you to our Smokers Helpline community. It can be worrisome and a little anxious trying a new medication and a new day to day routine.  I am glad you came here! We are here for support and to help you out.

    Thankfully the medication is helping with the cravings and in due time you will permanently change that habit.

    Many of our members in the past have shared their results of champix and hopefully there are some current members who can speak to their experience soon..

    In the meantime, congratulations on all of the changes you have made!
  3. angela72.12
    angela72.12 avatar
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    Thank you Lillian.

  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Angela72.12

    I quit cold turkey, I use support the mist and the Gum when I need it!
    My Doctor do not recommend me use Champix

    You should talk to a your Doctor of the side effects!

    There is much more support, like the patch, mist or Gum. That works ok. 

    The point is Not to smoke! And be safe!
  5. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    Hi Angela

    Let me applaud you for getting back on this quit.  It sounds like it is very important to you.

    I've not used Champix, but did experience many of the symptoms you state.  You've quit before, so you are aware that there is no magic pill or mystical potion to make us quit.  If there was such a thing, I would doubt there would be many smokers in the world.  Our quit has to come from within, using whatever means (Champix, etc.) are available to us.

    You've quit before, I know you can do it again.

  6. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    14 Nov 2018 in reply to angela72.12
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    Hi Angela

    Glad you came here for support. You need never feel alone.  Although i quit cold turkey I did try a lung cleanse which i later found out helped with cravings and also suppresses appetite. It worked really well for me. Follow me on "My Journey"    i call it Shazzan's Freedom  I hope you will find some things to help you along your path to a smoke free future. It is in us all to do with the right mind set , support and  tools.    

    As i am currently trying to find, copy and paste some rather lengthy comments in some order to understand , bear with me and check back . 
  7. angela72.12
    angela72.12 avatar
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    15 Nov 2018 in reply to shazzan
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    Many thanks Shazzan, best of luck to you as well.
    this is the most important thing we will ever do for us.
  8. angela72.12
    angela72.12 avatar
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    Many thanks Efreeman75, you are very correct! thanks for your encouragement.
  9. angela72.12
    angela72.12 avatar
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    Thanks Brieffree very much for your support and congrats on your quit!
  10. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    17 Nov 2018 in reply to efreeman75
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    Hi Efreeman and fellow non-smokers
    You know i love your posts. And you are right, quitting is not easy. There is no magic potion or pill and like you said, if there were,  there would be few smokers left in the world.      So i take it that if we all here agree to that statement, then Most smokers DO  actually agree that cigarettes taste awful?  Did you have to force a lungful and hope not to gag or throw up?
     There are natural , healthy foods and spices to aid digestion, lung health, stomach issues etc.... There are tools to manage cravings i.e the 4 D's. Ginger will help with nausea and is also helpful.  against cravings.    And yes Efreeman, abstaining from smoking is by far the best lung detox. 

    So how do we banish the cravings that are in our head? First you have to banish the desire of wanting a cigarette. Yes you can avoid other smokers (some are your friends) and deprive yourself not only of smoking but a social life as well.  Hate the nicotine for making you feel this way. Stop wanting nicotine in your life.  Put the blame where it belongs.... on your dearly departed friend, the cigarette. Stop missing it, stop grieving its loss. it was no friend.. quite the opposite. Nicotine altered your mind and gave you the  illusion that cigarettes
    gave you pleasure, clarity, confidence,  In reality, it did nothing for you but cost you $$$$ and poor health.  Be free of the desire for it and you will become a  Happy Non-Smoker.    A reverse of how the habit came to be. . Think about this. Believe it.  What do you have to lose but the cravings?
    So thankful to have broken free. May all the Smokers in the World find there freedom too. 
  11. valesolove
    valesolove avatar
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    10 Dec 2022
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    Champix without a prescription - I smoked for 40 years & had never really tried to stop, but as I was getting older & becoming more health conscious I thought I really need to try & give up the cigarettes. I started with the champix, set my date & off I went, almost 6 years later I am a non smoker & even detest the smell of it. I had no side effects what so ever, I love not being a slave to smoking anymore.
    Last modified on 25 Feb 2023 08:02 by valesolove
  12. jmac56
    jmac56 avatar
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    06 Nov 2022
    13 Dec 2022 in reply to valesolove
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    Great job! Im just past a month after smoking for 40 years also.
12 posts, 0 answered