jenna lee, quit coach
265 posts
28 Jun 2018
10 Apr 2019
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Some of us have been there...we want to quit but find our quit aids are not effective.
Here are some common user mistakes that lead to quit aids being less effective:
1) Not using them for the specified amount of time
For example: the nicotine lozenges Duration of Treatment: The usual treatment length is 3 months. Some smokers use it longer.
2) Wrong dosing
Make sure you read the labels carefully to ensure you are getting the proper dose. This way, you can avoid side effects (if you are taking too much) or withdrawals (if you are taking too little)
3) Improper use
This is a common error. Not parking the gum? Chewing the lozgenge? Please read the labels for the correct use. This will maximize the efficacy of the product and minimize side effects
In the end, It's OK to try one approach and then switch to another if needed.
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