Forums / The patch, the gum, the pills / Hazy days and the Patch

Hazy days and the Patch

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
    220 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    02 May 2018
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    Good Afternoon!

    Something that comes up often  as a concern especially in the warmer months, are questions about keeping the patch on. The heat, humidity, and sweat can have the patch peeling off all too easily. Without it, the cravings can come on very quickly and intensely.

    Sometimes cleaning your skin with rubbing alcohol and drying it thoroughly before putting on the patch will help it to stay put.

    If you've run across this problem, give it a try, or just keep in mind should you need to make some changes.

    The patch has helped so many of our members, if you have any other ideas on keeping it in place, please do share!


  2. cec57
    cec57 avatar
    48 posts
    06 Nov 2018
    08 Jan 2019 in reply to lillian, quit coach
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    i found also that around the patch sometimes would curl up so i went to a pharmacy and got a good tape behind the counter to hold patches in place. its very sticky but wouldnt recommend for people who have sensitive skin, its also expensive. thats my experience to hold patches on
2 posts, 0 answered