jenna lee, quit coach
265 posts
28 Jun 2018
01 Feb 2019
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I could not have answered this better myself! Thanks for listing these resources. Quitting is certainly worth the small investment in the long-run. It will save you money.
Mikeysul, please feel free to try our new QuitMap, or call us so we can help you find local supports.
Private health care insurance may also cover costs for those who have it, and/or you can ask your HR department for those working if there are employee assistance programs for quitting.
Lastly, research shows that people with the highest quit rates have 2 things:
1) support
2) a quit aid
At this time, we don't know exactly if one aid is significantly more effective to recommend it over the others, but the safe ones you could try (or ask for) include the nicotine replacement products (aka NRT: patch, gum, inhaler, lozenge, spray) and medications (champix, zyban). Lastly, there is combination therapy where 2 (or possibly) more of these aids can be combined. We always suggest speaking with your healthcare provider to ensure this is a safe option for you.
Hope this helps,
Jenna Lee