Forums / Suggestions and technical issues / Feature Request: FORUM "SPEED"

Feature Request: FORUM "SPEED"

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. buttingout2014
    buttingout2014 avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    06 Dec 2017
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    Again - I realize that this is still largely a work-in-progress, but the speed offered-up by the system's back-end is PAINFULLY SLOW.

    Not wanting to assume that the issue was 100% related to the processing power of the core forum system, I tested via CHROME, INTERNET EXPLORER, MOZILLA, and even SAFARI on my son's iMac.

    Unfortunately, the results were the same.  Anything from simply calling up the site fresh in the address bar to attempting to click on REPLY and waiting for what seems like an eternity for the editing window to come up so you can type your response, etc.

    I believe that I read in one of Kyle's posts that they are looking to increase the overall speed of the system, and I certainly look forward to that, as it's such a daunting task to simply respond to someone's post right now that I find myself just waiting until there's a few things to post at the same time, and setting-aside the necessary block of time to tackle each.

    This isn't a post against the forum in general... Just an observation of a problem that I'm highlighting with hopes that others will also realise it's hopefully just temporary.

    Your QUIT buddy, Jim.
  2. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    06 Dec 2017 in reply to buttingout2014
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    Thanks Jim, and I appreciate the thoroughness of your testing.

    I think it's safe to say at this point that it's a consistent issue, and not something that's cropping up at particular times of day. I've received feedback that it's also consistent across browsers and systems. I brought the speed issues up on our regular status call and have opened a ticket to have a look at our server logs to see if there's anything out of whack, while the dev boffins are checking on any unnecessary database calls that could be causing issues.

    All that to say we're aware and are taking steps to fix.
  3. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    I think the server needs to start serving coffee to the hamsters, and less water ;-)
  4. Mud Man
    Mud Man avatar
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    "Painfully Slow Is Right"
4 posts, 0 answered