Blackberry Z10

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. tiny2018
    tiny2018 avatar
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    31 Mar 2019
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    I am receiving a blackberry z10 which is better than the 9900 I have but am wanting to quit the NRT and go cold turckey but find coming here very helpful for me here and reading the posts and posting. the one thing am wondering is do you have something for the blackberry Z10 that I can add onto it so can visit the site and read the posts and stuff while am out if need to. if you can help me and maybe have any suggestions for me that would be awesome.

  2. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
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    08 Apr 2019 in reply to tiny2018
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    Hey tiny2018,

    While our test platforms for site development did not include Blackberry, our site should work just fine in the Blackberry browser. Assuming you will have a data plan, you can simply navigate to in the browser and you'll have a fully mobile-responsive site to use just as you would on the desktop.

    If you run across any issues, please don't hesitate to let us know.

  3. elfridaauston87
    elfridaauston87 avatar
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    28 Nov 2019
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    I am also using blackberry and sometime its too hard to reach on this forum,  I dont have any issue with my cell, but I cant use this forum on it, plz do hurry and upgrade your app, and how much time you need? 
    Last modified on 28 Nov 2019 10:34 by Quit Coach 7
  4. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
    220 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    28 Nov 2019 in reply to elfridaauston87
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    Good Morning,

    Unfortunately our platforms will not be including Blackberry and there will not be an upgrade available..

    It is a positive then that you don't have any issues with your cell. Although, navigating our site is a bit more challenging for you the only option is to try Kyle's suggestion to navigate to the site in the browser and having the full mobile site to use in that way.

    Thank you,

4 posts, 0 answered