Forums / Suggestions and technical issues / Avatars, quit stats and more are LIVE!

Avatars, quit stats and more are LIVE!

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. kyle @ smokers helpline
    kyle @ smokers helpline avatar
    84 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    05 Jul 2018
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    Well, we made it. The upgrade went smoothly last night, and the site appears to be stable, and actually a little quicker than usual.

    A recap of some of what's new:

    Your profile pictures on the online community forums will no longer be shadowy figures in a little grey box, unless that’s how you want to be seen. You will be able to upload pictures in your account settings (click your name at top-right, or the three lines on mobile). Make sure to save, and if you get an error, try clearing your cache - we're seeing a few accounts with this issue.

    Days quit/Cigarettes not smoked
    You will no longer be required to count your own days smoke-free or cigarettes not smoked – we’ll do it for you in the Quit Calculator widget on the user Dashboard.

    First Week Challenge Contest entry status indicator
    Again, we won’t make you remember whether or not you’ve registered for FWCC this month because we’re adding a green checkbox in your dashboard to let you know you’ve entered (it will reset at the beginning of the quit period so that you can register for the next month or the month after that, if you need/want to).

    Speed improvements?
    There were some code changes that we hope will have an impact on the slowdowns we had been experiencing on the site, and on the forums in particular. Please let us know if your experience has improved (or if it hasn't). We will continue to monitor and look for additional efficiencies in our systems.

    As always, thanks for bearing with us and ENJOY!

  2. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    06 Jul 2018
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    Hi Kyle,

    Thank you for the changes you made to the site.

    I tried to add my picture in my account. I hit change then it gave me the
    choices on my computer. I chose the one I want then hit save. I got the
    following message: "Sorry, something went wrong while trying to apply
    your avatar." I tried several times with different pictures.

    The site speed is a little better thanks.

  3. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
    227 posts
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    06 Jul 2018
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    Good morning eagerquit
    Thank you for letting us know about your avatar experience.
    Please try clearing your browser cache, and see if that helps? We found it really made a difference when we posted our own avatars.
    Hope that helps!
  4. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    06 Jul 2018
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    Thanks Sarah,

    That did the trick!

    Last modified on 06 Jul 2018 15:44 by eagerquit
  5. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
    227 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    06 Jul 2018 in reply to eagerquit
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    Fantastic, eagerquit! Great avatar - is it a pic from your own garden?

  6. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    08 Jul 2018
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    Hi Sarah,

    Yes, this is one of the areas in my garden with red and white flowers and a little Canadian flag appropriate to the Canada Day celebrations. Gardens are such a great diversion!

  7. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
    278 posts
    30 Nov 2017
    08 Jul 2018
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    Hello Eagerquit,

    Yes, gardens are such a beautiful retreat/escape!  So lovely you have one and enjoying it as you are.  

    Thank you for sharing with us.  

7 posts, 0 answered