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Two Months!

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. songbird
    songbird avatar
    7 posts
    07 Jun 2018
    05 Aug 2018
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    Two months smoke free, and I am doing great!  I went away on a girls’ weekend last week, and didn’t have to think about where to go for a smoke!  Little things mean a lot.  LOL. I am noticing that my breathing isn’t improving as much as I thought it would - still out of breath after climbing stairs - not as bad, but still not great.  Had a dream last night that I sneaked a cigarette - hope that’s not an omen!  I have no intention of doing that!  Enjoy this beautiful Sunday!
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Congrats in two Free of smoke! You did it!

    Two months is incredible, I wonder how you did it? do you use something to help you with moments?

    However, congratulations again, you should Celebrates with something like regard yourself for such a Wonder full job!

    Enjoy to be Free!
  3. songbird
    songbird avatar
    7 posts
    07 Jun 2018
    05 Aug 2018 in reply to brieffree
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    Hi brieffree,
    I used Champix, and if worked for me.  Also, I got rid of all things related to smoking!  So even if I got the urge, giving in to it would involve a drive to the store - and i’m lazy!  Thanks for the support!
  4. patricia, quit coach
    patricia, quit coach avatar
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    Hi songbird,

    That is Great News!!!

    What a milestone you have reached, Congratulation ! Some great things are happening to your body. Keep up the Fantastic work!
  5. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Songbird,

    Congratulations on the two month milestone. Not having to scope out a situation for a furtive smoke is indeed a bonus. The return of normal breathing is probably different for each person. It took me a while too,particularly on the stairs, but now at nearly five months, I work out at the gym with no breathing issues.

    Keep up with the quit!

  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi songbird,

    A huge congratulations to you on your two months smoke free!  That is such an important accomplishment.

    Don't worry about your dream.  I used to dream the same thing when I first quit.  If the addiction can't get you when you're awake, it will try to get you through your dreams.  As long as you don't act on it, it will be fine.

    Isn't it great not to have to worry about where and when you can have a smoke?  I didn't realize how much smoking affected my actions until I quit.  It is truly wonderful not to be ruled by an addiction.  I am super aware of my hard earned freedom, and I wouldn't give it up for anything.

    As for your breathing, like eagerquit said, it takes time.  I remember climbing stairs really quickly so that I could catch the streetcar, and it was only when I sat down that I realized that my heart wasn't pounding from the exertion like it normally would.  When we decide to quit smoking, we want to get instant results, but unfortunately, that's not how it works.  It takes time to notice results.  But every day you will get healthier and stronger.  Hang in there.  It is worth all the effort.

6 posts, 0 answered