Forums / My journey / Starting to quit... Wish me luck

Starting to quit... Wish me luck

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. tikkama
    tikkama avatar
    2 posts
    12 Dec 2017
    11 Dec 2017
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    Hello from freezing Northern Ontario. I recently decided that I want to give up smoking as a birthday gift to my adult children. Wish me look. I look foward to getting to know more of you.
  2. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    30 Nov 2017
    11 Dec 2017 in reply to tikkama
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    Hello Tikkama,

    Wonderful news of your decision to quit smoking!  Wishing you the very best as you prepare and plan your journey ahead.  We are here for you to listen and support.  Feel free to share anytime, looking forward to get to know you better too.  

    Keep Warm from Southern Ontario,

  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Tikkama,

    Welcome to SHO.  It will be wonderful to get to know you, too.

    You could not give your children, or yourself, a better gift.  Quitting smoking will change your life in many, many positive ways.

    It will be very difficult for the first while.  So try to avoid triggers, drink lots of water to help flush the toxins out of your body, and do things to distract yourself.  It takes time to adjust to being a non-smoker, so be patient with yourself as your mind and body adjust to not getting the chemicals they were used to getting.  You may have to change some of your routines as well.

    All of this is worth it in the end, Tikkama, because you are going to feel so much better.  You will breathe easier, and will have more energy.

    Stomp this addiction right out of your life!
  4. skibum
    skibum avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    12 Dec 2017
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    Hello All,
    This is the first time that I have ever posted so I am new to this. In 2017 this is the 5th time I have quit smoking. The longest was from February to April. Over the years I have tried everything from Champix, patches, gum, lozenges, hypnosis, acupuncture and cold turkey. Being 62 years old with diabetes, high blood pressure and neutropenia, I need to quit for myself and for my family. So wish me luck. Thanks
  5. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi tikkama and Skibum

    Welcome to helpline to you bought! you did a great Choice to be smoke free.
    Please feel free to post how you feel!

    And enjoy to be Non Smoker! Good luck! 
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    12 Dec 2017
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    Hi skibum,

    I know it is really hard to quit, especially when you have smoked all your life.  But hopefully you have learned from your previous quits.

    I don't know if you found one NRT more helpful than another, but my advice to you is to use whatever you think will work best to help you stay smoke free.  And congratulations for trying again.  You know what they say.  If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.  Maybe this time it will stick.  You really need this to work for health reasons, so I hope you can grit your teeth and tough it out.  Remember, we are all here to help you through.
  7. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Hello Tikhama and Skibum,  it is great to hear from both of you.  Welcome to the majority.  Wish you the best in your journey.  You can do it!
  8. sophia, quit coach
    sophia, quit coach avatar
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    Welcome Skibum!
8 posts, 0 answered