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Starting day 2

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. franny
    franny avatar
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    I am starting day 2 after many attempts to quit.  I didn't crave with my morning coffee so that was pleasant.  The weather is unforgiving, but I will try my best to walk around the block if an urge presents itself.  I really want to quit, but I also realize that my brain can play tricks on me.  It is truly a psychological strong withdrawal - mostly for me to be like a break or moment to stop and relax between things I do during the day.  I will need to replace this habit with something constructive.  I read in a post to repeat to myself NOPE - Never one puff ever.  I will repeat this to myself.  Have a great smoke free day everyone!
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Franny

    You are doing Fantastic 2 smoke free day's is amazing sound that you have a great Plan ahead!
    Be nice with you, one crave at the time!
  3. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    You are doing good, one day at a time.  It’s a good idea to take a walk when a urge comes.
    Hang in there, it will get better!  Congrats on your 2 days.
  4. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Franny,

    Congratulations to you!  

    The mental connection to smoking can be strong.  Being able to recognize those thoughts for yourself was the first step.  And now stating that acronym to yourself is going to really benefit you. 

    Keeping sharing with us more of your constructive thoughts as you develop them.  

    Best Wishes,

  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hey Franny,

    Yes, we have to learn how to handle various moments in our lives without smoking.  Most of us smoked for so long that we associate smoking with just about everything, and that is difficult to change.  But you will find that the longer you do not smoke, the more time you will have to experience different situations without smoking

    For example, instead of lighting up when you want a break, maybe you can just enjoy a nice cup of coffee.  Or if you're stressed, you may count to 10 and do some deep breathing to calm yourself down, or think of something funny to make yourself laugh it off.  However you choose to handle each situation, you will gradually come to associate different memories and events with being a non-smoker.

    You know, Franny, I more and more aware of how many people nowadays don't smoke.  I mean, I notice it on elevators, on streetcars and subways, in grocery stores.  If someone smokes, I can smell them, and it is rare that I encounter smokers these days in my day-to-day life.  So I am really grateful that I gave it up, because I no longer feel like such an outcast.  Quitting really has changed my life.

    Hang in there, it's worth it.  Keep the quit!
5 posts, 0 answered