Forums / My journey / Six Months and Counting

Six Months and Counting

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    07 Sep 2018
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    Good Morning!

    Today marks six months since I quit smoking. Thanks to all in the forums who have helped me along the way. My stats:

    Savings $3,157.44
    Days Smoke-Free 184
    Cigarettes Not Smoked 6072
    Life saved 46 days 9 hours 12 minutes

    The Smokers Helpline sent me the following inspirational email for this occasion. My reward will be dinner out tonight.

    Today is six months after your quit date. Half a year since you quit. Chances are, it hasn’t been easy to get to this point, but it’s probably feeling a whole lot easier now than it felt that first few weeks. A lot of people keep that thought in mind when they get tempted this far down the road. It’s easy to think that just one puff couldn’t hurt, sometimes. But try to remember how hard that first week was, and you’ll find that it’s not worth the risk.

    If you’re smoke-free today, you need to celebrate, because six months is a big deal. Did you set a milestone for today with a reward for yourself? Because you should reward yourself. You absolutely deserve it. If you didn’t then, make one up now. Either way, let us celebrate with you in the Smokers’ Helpline Community Forums. We like a good party, and you may just provide inspiration to somebody who is still in that first week. You’re their proof that it can be done. Keep it up, and we’ll be in touch again in a while.
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi eagerquit,

    Congrats on 6 months of being smoke free! What an accomplishment.

    Enjoy your dinner out tonight, you really deserve it.

  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi eagerquit,

    WooHoo, way to go, my friend!  You should be so very proud of yourself.  A whole 6 months smoke free!

    I hope you are enjoying an amazing, scrumptious dinner!  You deserve it!
  4. crystal_maiden
    crystal_maiden avatar
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    That’s awesome!  Congratulations!  Look at the dollars saved!  Wow!    I’m at like 60 bucks so maybe i’ll just get a burger at the highway joint for my two week reward!.  You go for the surf and turf!  Congrats.  Doesn’t it feel great to be smoke free?

  5. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
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    Hi All,

    Thank you for your remarks. I had a delicious dinner out last night and, being Scotch, brought home a doggy bag for lunch today.

    crystal_maiden getting through the first two weeks is a major achievement. You have done swimmingly. You deserve much more that a burger. Splurge!

    I am looking forward to another smoke free day.

  6. abby
    abby avatar
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    Congratulations on 6 months.
  7. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Eagerquit

    Way to go! Congrats and for 6 more...
  8. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    12 Sep 2018
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    Good Morning!

    Thanks to everyone for your congratulations. I think I owe my success to distractions as much as anything. I am finding so much of interest in retirement that I wonder how I ever had time for work! Many of these activities would have been difficult for a smoker due to non-smoking environments and required breathing capacity. I am looking forward to my next milestone of 200 days on September 22.

    Wishing everyone another smoke free day.

8 posts, 0 answered