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One Day at a Time leads to 1244

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. aurora
    aurora avatar
    94 posts
    08 Mar 2018
    31 Jul 2021
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    Hello Folks,
    I am nearing 3.5 years quit or 1244 days - soooooo grateful!

    I would say this could be added to one of my great accomplishments in life.....but in this arena it is good to remain humble. I was lucky (and determined) to escape the grip of nicotine, but this habit was so difficult to break, and with one puff I could be back there.

    SO - my motto is NOPE - not one puff ever.  This is how I got to this point, that, and a lot of hard work and determination. But I also had support on my side, like this site. If you have no other supporters, this site is here, and it helped me.

    That, and drinking water, deep breathing, distractions, NRT, flower remedies, celebrating successes, and at times, just getting through it. It was not easy and I sometimes think in a second, I could be there.

    I rarely think about smoking. I do not have cravings. Just from time to time, I see someone, or am in a situation that may have been familiar at one time, and it reminds me. My mind says "how about just one puff? Remember how good that could be?"  The mind still does those tricks, from time to time.  and I say NOPE

    and one day has turned to 1244
    Keep going everyone!  you can do this!  I smoked for 35 plus years, quit more than 15 or 20 times, and the last time I thought I was never going to be able to quit.  BUT I DID and so far, I'm winning and ever so grateful. 

  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
    255 posts
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    03 Aug 2021
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    Hi Aurora, 

    Huge congratulations on 3 and a half years smoke free!

    You've come such a long way and with all of the tips and strategies you've shared, I can see why. A solid plan along with determination can make all of the difference.

    Thank you for sharing your story with us. It's very encouraging to see what you've accomplished. 

  3. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    05 Feb 2019
    28 Aug 2021 in reply to aurora
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    Hi aurora, 

    Wow huge congratulations on being over 3 1/2 years smoke free! I think I remember you from one of my previous quits, so good to hear from you & celebrate your success! Love your motto - not one puff ever, it has obviously been a lifesaver/aid in your quit! Keep up the great work in rocking your quit! Take care

    Last modified on 28 Aug 2021 14:41 by wandam
  4. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    13 Sep 2021 in reply to aurora
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    Amazing aroura!! Keep it up. :)  Catch me if you can. :)  I will be 5 years smoke free next month. 
  5. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    14 Dec 2021
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    3.5 years sounds amazing... you're a world ahead of me on my quit path but Ill strive to be like you. Thanks for sharing
5 posts, 0 answered