286 posts
29 Nov 2017
16 Feb 2018
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Day 33
Hello, Good news from the Heart Institute today: I breathed a 2 on the Carbon Monoxide breathalyzer, instead of a 29 from last month. I beat the machine! I also got the advice to stay on my 21 mg. Patches for another month, and then decrease if all goes well. I'm starting to think in terms of days I can stay clean instead of half days, so that's where my confidence lies at the minute. I have gained 9 pounds which she said was normal, so I won't fret about it. Besides I know I could probably lose 4 after I drop my temporary chocolate cravings, and I'm still in my standard clothing size so I don't have to buy new yet. I'm also visualizing my blood vessels and reduction of plaque, I want them wide and clear to get me to my retirement years when i plan to live abroad for 6 months so I can travel while still mobile. I didn't get the coughing yet, and she said some people don't, that the lungs clear in other ways too, so I don't know if I'm going to get that symptom. And the horrible times trying to distract myself in past attempts probably meant I wasn't on a high enough dose of NRT, so supplementing my 21 mg. Patch with gum, or other oral NRT really helped this time. Before my cravings would last a very long time, whereas this time I can perceive a definitive period. It all helps, all of my quit attempts have helped so much in making this one last this long, and knowing it gets hard around the 60-90 day mark has me knowing I'm not out of the woods. But I think staying on NRT is the trick with this.
Have a great weekend warriors, we can do it!