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New life

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    26 Aug 2019
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    Hi my story start last June 7/15 that Sunday that I said I must do something for my self.
    So, I went to the Doctor due I could not stop Coifing, with pain in my legs, Lung pain, I was really killing myself.
    Then Doctor did some Briefing test and discover I had 30 percent of Briefing capacity Damage due to smoking, My Daughter was with me and she her all. That was it, Doctor told me, do you want me to help you? Of course I said, then you must quit smoking!!!!!!!!!! He said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     So, Here I am, after I went to the most nightmare's in my life after 37 years of smoking.

    Yes, I was lucky, after 3 pks a day, I   pushed the break! Was not easy, is everyday  a challenge, but is better to be alive! I become a Non Smoker!
    I looked for support and found this Helpline! I receive so much Hope and Contention!

      My advise:
     So, if you are straggle with smokes say Nope! Better think that you have only 2 Lungs!
     Enjoy to be free!
    Last modified on 27 Aug 2019 06:17 by brieffree
  2. kate r, quit coach
    kate r, quit coach avatar
    49 posts
    16 Jan 2019
    27 Aug 2019 in reply to brieffree
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    Congratulations on being smoke-free and thank you so every much for sharing your story. It is great you found hope here at Smokers' Helpline, and by sharing your journey, you are doing so for others. Being free from smoking is important to you, and it's great you're seeing yourself as a non-smoker.

    Kate R
2 posts, 0 answered