Forums / My journey / My Thoughts on Three Smoke Free Months

My Thoughts on Three Smoke Free Months

11 posts, 0 answered
  1. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    07 Jun 2018
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    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Today at noon, I completed three smoke free months (13 weeks) since I quit smoking on March 7. Back before I quit, I was hardly eager but knew in my heart this had to be done for survival, so I grit my teeth and butted out my last cigarette. I had no packs left, immediately threw out all butts and washed all smoky clothes.

    I went smoke free with the help of 4 mg nicotine gum and lozenges. At first I did a lot of those then weaned it down. I still have occasional flights of fancy about smoking and cravings, more psychological than physical so still grab an occasional 2 mg NRT. I am an expert procrastinator so the “D” for delay comes as second nature, and the craving does pass! I also like to “D”istract myself from thinking about smoking by doing other things, sometimes quite intensely.

    My reward has been developing my yard and garden and the enjoyment and satisfaction that it brings. Money that would have gone into smokes has been spent on topsoil and colorful plants. It is now a very inviting area to relax and enjoy.

    Reading these forums has been a real life saver for me. My dashboard tells me I have already saved 23 days 4 hours and 36 minutes of life. My blood pressure has gone from “high” down to “optimal”. Thank you all.

  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Yahoo, eagerquit! Way to go! Congrats on being smoke-free for 3 months - its a significant milestone, and you are an inspiration!
    Thank YOU for sharing your journey to date; you were motivated to quit, but what you are doing now is extraordinary: making sure you STAY motivated - with rewards, using your NRT as needed, and listening to what your body needs.
    Keep up the AMAZING work, eagerquit....your success is so awesome!
    Continued success,
  3. percey
    percey avatar
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    congratulations Eager Quit! Your message was very inspirational to me.  I do hope you continue to enjoy peace and enjoyment in your yard and garden.  I can appreciate how have worked through the problems you describe.  
  4. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Eagerquit,

    WAY TO GO, EAGERQUIT!  You are really rocking your quit, and you should be so proud of yourself!  How wonderful that you enjoy gardening, and that you are spending some of your savings on that instead of on cigarettes.  I found that I became really self-indulgent for a while after I quit, because I really wanted to reward myself for good behaviour and hey, it worked!  I  say do whatever it takes to keep the quit.  It's so worth it.

    Your blood pressure results are truly amazing, Eagerquit.  That must make you feel so good.

    Keep the quit, stick to NOPE, and enjoy being a non-smoker!
  5. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    13 Jun 2018 in reply to eagerquit
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    Morning Eagerquit

    Is great to read about you and Congratulate for 3 Months smoke free! Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now you are ready to leave your life as Non Smoker!
  6. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    13 Jun 2018
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    Good Morning

    Thank you all for your encouragement. The support in this website is great! On Friday I will be smoke free for 100 days.That will mean 3,100 cigarettes not smoked and I will have saved 25 days of life at that point. It sure does add up.

    Wishing you all another smoke free day!

  7. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    Hi Eagerquit,

    Way to go!  You are rockin it! 
    You and I are close in quit dates - I quit March 5 and I have been so appreciative of reading your messages, which have been inspirational and supportive. 
    So awesome to hear about how your blood pressure has returned to normal.  Interestingly, my blood pressure was always good but when I went to the doctor about a month ago it was on the high side, but I feel very good otherwise have completely stopped the NRT, probably for at least 3 weeks. 
    Enjoy your garden and your freedom as a non smoker!  You are doing it!!!

  8. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hello Eagerquit!
    I'm so glad that I checked in and saw this!  I'm giving you a great big, virtual hug, my friend.  Your garden sounds lovely, what an enchanting space you've created.  You're an inspiration to me as I waddle through my slips and relapses and hours won!  Keep on rocking it, girl!
  9. turningpoint
    turningpoint avatar
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    Congratulations, Eagerquit!  Wishing you many more smoke-free months and years.
    Although I've only been smoke-free for a little while, I'm finding it easier to stay on track, and not feeling such powerful cravings.  I recently came to the realization that I just don't want to be tied to smoking anymore.  That knowledge is what is keeping me going, and with far less difficulty and arguments with myself than I've had in the past.  I just don't want to be TIED to smoking anymore.  And every day that goes by, I untie myself a little bit more.  I know it will take a long time.  So I have to remember NOPE.
    Thanks everyone for your inspiration.  Keep it coming!

  10. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    07 Mar 2018
    25 Jun 2018
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    Good Morning All!

    Thank you Aurora, Ocean and Turningpoint for your encouraging remarks. I enjoyed another smoke free week last week. The freedom from addiction is awesome! After Aurora mentioned she stopped the NRT, I realized it was really something I didn't need to do either. I was only doing two or three a day and not necessarily due to any cravings so I gave it up altogether. So that makes me completely nicotine free.

    Wishing you all another smoke free day!

  11. Decided
    Decided avatar
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    01 Dec 2017
    25 Jun 2018 in reply to eagerquit
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    hi and congrats eagerquit
    my quit counter hit day 136 today     like you i have used nicorettes to make it through
    now i am switching to chewing gum
    i no longer crave cigarettes  and the hardest times to quit the gum is after meals   and after a job is done
    your garden probably loves you
    keep up the good work  the goal is visible
11 posts, 0 answered