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My story, my quit!

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
    1478 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    05 Sep 2019
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    Hi Everyone

     I just was trying to find a local support, but all of them offer Nrt Products
     So, I quit smoking, and now I have to deal with NRT out of life!
     So, do not misunderstand me, Did I quit 4.5 years ago? and then picked up other problem! Until someone else makes me see that I was wrong, just continuo feeding my addiction.

     These is not a bad comment, I just confuse, I was desperate when I had to quit! and Nrt helps me a lot!
     Do not let Nrt be part of your life!

    It will be a double quit! 
  2. nadia b, quit coach
    nadia b, quit coach avatar
    47 posts
    18 Jan 2019
    06 Sep 2019 in reply to brieffree
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    Hi brieffree, sounds like you are having a hard time getting off NRT (we have heard that from others). It sounds quite frustrating, and you've done such an amazing job with being smoke-free. 

    The Quit Coaches would be happy to chat with you around some other strategies and tips to assist you. Feel free to give us a call :) We are here on weekends too!


    Happy Friday,
    Nadia B.
2 posts, 0 answered