Hello all...!!!
It's been a LONG time since I've logged-in here. Was waiting for the bugs to get worked-out, but upon logging in here this afternoon, it's apparent that isn't going to happen any time soon. :(
Things are still slow - no apparent improvement in functionality (pictures / a working "smoke-free days" counter, etc,)...
Oh well - moving on, I'm proud to report that I've managed to stay smoke-free throughout some pretty hectic developments over the past couple years! :)
My quit date:
January 27, 2014
Smoke-free for:
1522 days
Or: 4 years, 2 months, 2 days)
My online helpful resources are still active!!!:
Butting-Outs Online Resources
TTYL everyone - and KEEP THE QUIT!!!
Last modified on 07 May 2018 20:27 by Quit Coach 13