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4 posts, 0 answered
  1. chartippybum
    chartippybum avatar
    83 posts
    21 Mar 2018
    18 Jun 2018
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    Today i am getting rid of my vapes. My last thing. I habe been smoke and vaoe free for 3 months. Its hard because i spent so much on them and i thought they were so cool. But now they are a temptation and i am scared if i dont have them i will need them but i keep reminding myself they are bad and i dont want to use them again. Its like throwing away my last pack. I have gotten rid of everything else so just this one thing i need to get rid of........
    Thank you all for support
  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
    228 posts
    28 Nov 2017
    18 Jun 2018
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    Way to go chartippybum - as with anything else that reminds you of smoking, getting rid of it can be a big change. Sounds like you found the vape too tempting to be around you...congrats on making the decision to get rid of it. And as you haven't used it in some months, letting it go is a great next step.
    Happy month #3 to you, and thank you for posting!

  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
    832 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    19 Jun 2018
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    Hi chartippybum,

    Congratulations on being smoke free for 3 months!  That is terrific!

    I think it's a great idea to throw our your vapes.  Why keep a reminder of your old ways?  You have changed your life in such a significant way, it's amazing.  Keep the quit, chartippybum.  It is so worth it.
  4. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
    415 posts
    07 Mar 2018
    19 Jun 2018
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    Hi chartippybum,

    Congratulations on your three months. Nice job! I know how hard it is to throw out smoking paraphernalia (my word for the day :) The only reason one might hold onto something is with the wishful thinking of using it again. It's best to let go of the past and start the new life without the clutter.

    Wishing you another smoke free day.

4 posts, 0 answered