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It’s only been 72 hours??!!

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  1. crystal_maiden
    crystal_maiden avatar
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    72 hours?!  Geeze, that’s all?  The struggle is real, folks.  Feel like I’ve been at this for much longer.
    So back to work today.  Won’t be having that habitual 6:30 am wake up puff or that 7:15 am puff before heading out.  Won’t be having that 4:30 pm after work puff either or the 7:30 after dinner.
    See the habit there?  I don’t smoke all day for 8.5 hours straight, yet ‘habit‘ kicks in at specific periods.  Before and after work, after dinner.
    I quit on a weekend by sheer chance.  Weekends were ‘anytime smoke breaks,’ no habit or routines there and I managed to get through it. 
    Weekdays are all habit, all part of a set routine.
    Break the routine, break the habit, right?
    I will be needing a new ‘after work’ routine for sure (this SHO post has taken me long past my morning habits so that’s good!).
    Go for a walk, work on my Spanish lessons, sew something, do some yoga.  I’ll find a new routine, right?

    All about distraction, and some cold-turkey will power!

    Tengas un buen día!

    Last modified on 27 Aug 2018 07:13 by crystal_maiden
  2. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hang in there crystal!! It will slowly start to die off as you progress into your quit. Yes, if course quitting smoking also involves breaking your habits as your habits stimulate your thirst for nicotine automatically.   This is how I used to feel when I quit for the first time 5 years ago.  Now I am nearly 2 years into my quit, and my first two quits lasted 1 year each. All I know is with every quit, quitting became easier and easier, as body now learned to adjust easily to break the habit.  Never give up quitting!!!
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Crystal

    You are not the only one! Yesterday, I had the most Powerful Craving day I ever had, After I quit time ago.

    I feel so depress and happy for about 5 hs, I did not know why? I went for a walk, I listen to the Music for 1 hrs. I Call my Daughter, my Sun, I was about to cry and not, 
    Trust me was horrible. I said don't worry it will pass , and it did not until I went to sleep.

    I discover that was I worked too hard and I couldn't recover and distract when I don't work. So I did not relaxed. 

    Today, I did not have any crave at all.

    That is because I was trying how to do it, I guess, I sleep  so many times And I have it clear Why I need to be free! my lungs are my, No replacement!

    Hang in! you can do this!
  4. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    way to go! You hit so many important things here: Identifying your triggers is very helpful for staying-smoke free. Imagine not being aware of your triggers, how would you ever know to change your routine?

    You have some great ideas going forward in changing your habits and daily routine. It is definitely going to feel 'off' or funny at first but the new routines will feel awesome soon! Especially if you really enjoy those distractions such as yoga, Spanish, etc.

    Jeyan, congrats on your 2 years!! 

    Brieffrree - sorry to hear about your strong craving. You certainly persevered through and focused on your progress and goals to get you through. Keep up the hard work. 

    You should all be very proud,

    Jenna Lee
  5. crystal_maiden
    crystal_maiden avatar
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    Funny story...

    Back in the day of my first quit, I worked on identifying triggers.  The first big trigger was that first cup of coffee in the morning.  To remind myself that 'something is different today' being the fact that I wasn't smoking, I decided to switch up the way I drank my coffee and went straight up black cutting out the cream and sugar.   Well, it stuck and I've drunk it black ever since.

    Fast forward to the first day of this new quit... I identify my trigger as that first cup of morning coffee..again.  But, now I'm confused.  How do I make a change this time around to remind myself that 'something is different today?'  Can't get any blacker than black, right?!  So I dropped some cream and sugar in it this morning!  Changed it up, try and trick my brain.

    Well, gggrrroooooosss!  I love the taste of coffee!  Me, I'm a double espresso straight up kind of gal, ya know?!  Leave my java alone.

    So, I moved onwards to the next trigger....having to leave the house at that set time each day to undergo the stress of having to go to work for a living...  hmmm.. how am I going to change that up.  Uh, hello?  Senor Lotto Max?  Did you call my number?!  

    Day by day I'm feeling stronger!
    Day by day I'm lasting longer!
    Day by day you help me make my way!
          ....Doug and the Slugs


5 posts, 0 answered