Forums / My journey / in three day i'll have been quit for a year!!!

in three day i'll have been quit for a year!!!

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  1. freedom59
    freedom59 avatar
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    07 Oct 2018
    02 Sep 2019
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    i can't believe it! i really can't!  i smoked for 45 years...i tried and tried so many times to quit!  I couldn't get past that 3rd day!  each time i caved i felt more n more hopeless..!
    then i made up my mind!!!  i've been sick n tired of this filthy habit for a long time! it had to end! and end it did!
    it's so taboo here in Canada..there's is no such thing as smoking areas! you need to go stand on the sidewalk and look like a fool if you want to smoke!  
    i quit last fall as i couldn't handle another winter of going outside for a flippen cancer stick! 
    i prepared as best i could..with cinnamon candy ...and lime that i would put in boil water as my go to sipping drink and took it moment!  on day down..then the next!
    i am now free!
    i do not need to go looking for my cigs and lighter before i leave the house.
    i do not need to wonder and stress over when n where i can smoke when i attend an event or go to a gathering
    i do not need to worry about smelling like an ashtray when i come in contact with others! Amazes me how i can detect a smoker by simply walking pass them! wow..unreal
    i do not need to have hubby stop when we go on long drives so i can go for a smoke
    i do not need to worry about running low and having to go buy near 20 / pack
    i do not need to worry about having money in my wallet..cause now...i always have! 
    i feel free!! i really enjoy my non smoking life and will never go back to it!   my smoke meter tells
    me i've saved near 3000$   i bought myself a Huawei P30 phone which i just love and i believe i will now get a new laptop! a nice high quality this time!    don't give up...if i can...anyone can
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    02 Sep 2019 in reply to freedom59
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    Hi Freedom59

     Congratulations in advance! Victory is yours! 1 1000 smoke free day's!
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi freedom59,

    A huge congratulations to you!  You have done what you thought was impossible - you quit smoking!  You should be so proud of yourself.  What an amazing accomplishment.
  4. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Hi Freedom59, what an incredible journey is yours.  Your quit is typical of the process all need to go through to quit. Quitting smoking cannot be done on the first attempt nor 2nd nor third. We just need to keep trying and get back to your quit after every relapse until our inner-self become more confident, motivated, and hungrier to quit forever.  Once we unleash the power of our inner strength we will then win over battle with this nasty addiction forever.  Remember the key is never another puff ever again, or else we will be back at where we started desperately wanting to be where we are today.  NOPE!!! :) We can do this. 

  5. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    Congratulations freedom59!  You are right - back in the day we could smoke just about anywhere (except church) and now it is not acceptable anywhere.  And now - that's a very good thing I think.  You done good!!!!!
  6. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    You are such an inspiration!!! So happy for you.
  7. nadia, quit coach
    nadia, quit coach avatar
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    Congratulations freedom 59! One year, that's awesome.... thank you for sharing your experience with this quit... so glad you didn't give up and here we are celebrating 1 year anniversary! 
    Also glad to see that you have also rewarded yourself.... each time you look at  your new phone and laptop will be great reminders of such a great achievement!! 

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! 
    Cheers to a smoke free lifestyle! 
  8. merline, quit coach
    merline, quit coach avatar
    127 posts
    12 Sep 2018
    13 Sep 2019 in reply to freedom59
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    Good Afternoon Freedom59,

    Congratulations. One year!
    You are an excellent source of inspiration for all those who want to quit but who think that staying smoke-free is too difficult.

    Now you are free, you don't need to go looking for your cigs and lighter before leaving your house. I really like when you say " I feel free!! i really enjoy my non-smoking life and will never go back to it!" It shows that you are convinced that you will never go back to smoking.

    One day at a time.
    All the best
8 posts, 0 answered