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I'm so sad

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    31 Aug 2019
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    After six days of being smoke free I slipped and had a cigarette. Trying not to beat myself up, but feeling like a failure. I want nothing more than to quit for good but scared I just can't. Thinking about starting some NRT to help ... soooo sad.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    31 Aug 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Hello there

     Do not be so hard on you! Just go back to quit zone, and think this time it will be different!

     I did not quit for good in the first week, it Took me long time.... I relapse so many times, until one day, I saw my self against my will! So, no more smoke into my lungs!
     We are addict's to Nico demon. but we have a better choice! Your lungs deserve it!
      Nrt products are safe, or you may call our the quit line to get support!
      It not the end, this is just the beginning of your quit! 

    Remember you are not a  bad person, is not your fault that is hard to cut this horrible bad habit! Start thinking like a Non smoker, because you are a Non Smoker!
     One day at the time! Never give up!
    Last modified on 31 Aug 2019 13:16 by brieffree
  3. linda, quit coach
    linda, quit coach avatar
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    Hi justfortoday,

    You have worked very hard to get to this point, please don’t be so hard on yourself like brieffree said. Having a slip is very common and it’s a normal part of the quitting process. It’s only a small bump in your road to a smoke-free life. We encourage you to keep going and keep doing the things that work for you.

    You have 6 smoke-free days behind you! It shows a lot of hard work, perseverance and commitment! You have what it takes to do this! Keep going strong!

    Using NRT’s is a great idea and those products can help you reduce your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Also, many people find helpful to use the 4 D’s:

    Deep breathing will help you relax and focus on something else

    Drink water will help you clean your system and keeps your hands and mouth busy

    Distraction such as go for a walk, play a game, text a friend, go to the gym etc.

    Delay – Cravings don’t last very long, usually about 5 to 10 minutes

    The first few days of quitting can be difficult and sometimes, the cravings can be strong, but you are stronger!

    Remember that you are not alone in your quit journey, we are here for you. Call us at 1-877-513-5333 if you have any questions or concerns.

    Congratulations for all the hard work you’ve done to reach this day! You can do this!

    Take care and wishing you continued success!
  4. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    31 Aug 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Hey JFT - We smoked for 40-50 yrs & it only makes sense that we cannot change our behavior over night.  I would say 6 days without a smoke after that length of time is a miracle!  Yep - you slipped on day 7.  Sooooooo whatttttt!!!!!!!  Get rid of the guilt, get rid of the fear, get rid of the sadness and do not, I repeat do not, ever beat yourself up.  You are not "melting" - you just stumbled and may have got some rug burn.  Shake it off and stay the course.

    I got to thinking about your other post  when you were wondering about the "long term".  Maybe right now you should just get through the next craving, the next minute, next hour. just getting thru today!  Remember, I promised you the long term would be okay, so don't worry about that just now.

    I found NRTs really helped me and maybe you could give those a try?

    Hang in there and do not give up.
  5. manderson4
    manderson4 avatar
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    31 Aug 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Justfortoday I like your name it speaks volumes to the journey we are all on. Slips are normal just like cravings or memories. One of the things I do is write down the reasons why I wanted to quit on post it notes and put them around where I would be sure to see them. There are many great NRT products available and it definitely helps. You didn't mention what let to the slip but one of the things that has been drilled into me in my support group is "I am a puff away from a pack a day."
5 posts, 0 answered