Forums / My journey / 80 days

80 days

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
    28 posts
    03 Dec 2021
    15 Jan 2022
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    Wow these days sure add up. 80 days smokefree.  I feel alot better. I'm breathing better and can suck in a deep breath without coughing. I still have vivid dreams now and then but my sleep is more solid. I learned other ways to relax and handle stress. Nope, nope, nope. Not even one puff. We can do this. 
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    09 Dec 2021
    15 Jan 2022
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    Well done cindy that’s amazing. Just think back to when u started and how far U have come. Hope u buy urself something nice as a reward 
    Last modified on 15 Jan 2022 07:42 by dublinguy
  3. me_n_freedom
    me_n_freedom avatar
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    How do you relax and handle stress? Just curious cuz to have reached 80 days you must have a few tricks up your sleeves 😉☺️
  4. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    15 Jan 2022
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    The way I can handle some stress is I take in a deep breath and count to 10. It really works. Afterwards I have herbal tea. Or even meditate.  I use self talk and say it isn't that bad I can do this.  In think self talk is important we need to retrain ourselves. We got use to something that isn't there anymore.  We can do this. Nope nope nope. Not one puff ever.  
  5. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    05 Feb 2019
    15 Jan 2022 in reply to cindydavis
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    Hi cinydavis

    Huge congratulations on doing so amazingly well with your smoke free journey! NOPE, not one puff ever is a great one to incorporate into our everyday life to help us stay strong with our quit. Keep rocking your quit cindydavis! We are all rooting for you! Take care! 
  6. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi cindydavis,

    You go, girl!  All your hard work paid off, and now you are reaping the benefits of being smoke free.  Like you said, you are breathing easier and without coughing.  That's wonderful.  And aren't you starting to realize how much time you wasted smoking?  You gain back a lot of time to do other things, which is great.

    You should be really proud of yourself, cindy.  Keep going, and enjoy the freedom!
  7. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
    09 Dec 2021
    23 Feb 2022
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    Tomorrow Im going to be 80 days smoke free too... we're actually doing this. While it takes time to get there the days and weeks have actually flown by. I'm so proud of myself for sticking with it this time round. 
7 posts, 0 answered