Forums / My journey / 1st cigarette

1st cigarette

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  1. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    Knowing what you know now about smoking, what advice would you give yourself before you lit your 1st cigarette
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Renee,

    I would tell myself not to take my health for granted, because it is too precious.  And I would also tell myself that addiction is really, really hard to beat, and why go through it when you don't have to.  Too bad I wasn't this smart when I was a young teenager.  I would have saved myself a world of grief.
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Renee,

    I would ask myself: Do you really want to work the first hour of every day during the next fifty years to buy cigarettes?

  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Renee

    I will say DO NOT BE SO ,,,,,,I feel so good, I can see the true and I will NOT fail for it! I probably break it!
  5. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    I will tell myself that  just this 1 cigarette will put me back to where I started, desperately dreaming where I am today.   I have fallen for this trick before, thinking having one cigarette or cigarettes here and there after 1 full year of quit wouldn't put me back on the cycle.  I was wrong, that 1 cigarette lead me back to half a pack in a weeks time easily. Key is never another puff ever again!
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    I really need to respond to Jeyan's post.  One of my sisters had quit for at least 4 months.  I am going to spend this weekend with her because she lives out of town.  Although I know she misses seeing me in person, I felt there was some hesitance on her part.  She finally emailed me to say that she went out with friends one night and started smoking again, and was too embarrassed to tell me before now.  I responded by telling her not to worry, that I get it, and I do.

    This addiction is hard to beat, and it is hard to keep the quit.  Physical, mental and emotional cravings hit us at every turn, and we have to be prepared to say no each time.  And that is really, really difficult to do.  That is why we have to live by NOPE, Not One Puff Ever.  And I would add, Not Under Any Circumstances.  We simply can't have even one puff, because if we do, we will end up right back where we started.

    Thank you, jeyan, for raising this issue.  I say time and again that we have to stay vigilant, because we never know when the temptation will hit.  I quit 1.8 months ago, and I still get cravings.  And I still have to talk myself out of it.  And although I have done so successfully thus far, who knows?  I can't take it for granted.  I have to work for it each time.  Which is part of the reason why I stay on this site.  Because all of the wonderful people here help to keep me grounded and focussed.  And I truly want to help those who are thinking about quitting, or who have just started their journey, to be successful.  Because we all need support, don't we?

    And by the way, I have said it before, but I will say it again.  Way to go, jeyan!  I am so happy for you, and you should be so proud of your success!  You are truly a non-smoker!  Yippee!
  7. adream01
    adream01 avatar
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    Treepeo congratulations on quitting. I wanted reply to your motivating post that you responded to Jeyan's . At 40 I began smoking total now 12 years. Two years ago I began a new journey and decided to quit smoking. I've from a pack a day, two packs a week, to currently 1. I stopped a total of 4 days recently. Every evening I set my mind that tomorrow will be the day. Till I get this voice saying one won't hurt ....then 3 later throughout the day. I will continue to hit restart everyday keeping in mind (  NOPE ) Thank you for your inspiring post. 
  8. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Everyone

    Very good Topic!

    This Bad Habit, Addiction or smokes. Really got part of our lives in different way's, But there is a Hope!

    One day ate the time!

    Enjoy to be a NON SMOKER forever!

    We can do this!
  9. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Hi everyone,

    How brave you all are to share your experiences. It feels so empowering to know that others feel the way we do too, for example, with telling ourselves that 'we cannot have just one' and how easy it is to go back to bad habits.

    Reminding ourselves of reasons to quit, and knowing how it has affected our health is another interesting insight. So is how it managed our day-to-day lives. Thanks again reepo, jeyan and eagerquit for this.

    adream01 - having a recent quit is one step closer to reaching your goals! Like brieffree said, there is hope, don't quit quitting.


    Jenna Lee

9 posts, 0 answered