Forums / My journey / 10 days strong after 8 years

10 days strong after 8 years

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. kingrex
    kingrex avatar
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    29 Jul 2018
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    Hello everyone my name's Christian, I've recently quit last Tuesday after smoking everyday for around 8 years. I started probably around 17 during high school and it's been a part of me ever since.

    I've never really been able to stop smoking before due to the fact that I was so used to doing it for so long. How I quit was this year to gradually reduce the number of cigarettes that I smoke throughout the day. I was able to reduce it to 4-5 then decided to quit.

    I'd say since I quit the hardest part was to reduce the urge at college in between classes and on breaks. Since I have always smoked them before it seems difficult. I quit cold turkey so I'm not sure if that's why it's kind of difficult. 

    Just thought I'd share about my journey up to now. Thanks for reading and have a great night!
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Kingrex

    Congrats in 10 Day's smoke free!

    You did great, cutting down is a good strategy to quit for good!
    Enjoy the Freedom!
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi kingrex,

    Congratulations on your smoke free 10 days. Feeling some difficulty in the early part of the quit journey is quite normal, whether done cold turkey or with nicotine replacement aids. Stay strong. You can do this. The SHO forums are very helpful for suggestions on quitting and the 4 D's can help:

    Delay. The urge will pass whether you smoke or not.
    Deep breathe.
    Drink water.
    Do something to take your mind off smoking.

    Wishing you another smoke free day!

  4. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi kingrex!

    So far so good Kingrex. I am sure changing those habits and cutting down ahead of time really helped you out. It was good practice in getting used to not smoking. As eagerquit said, it is pretty natural to experience some thoughts and pulls back to smoking. Just recognizing it and accepting it can often help you stick with it.  You have the right idea though in posting here. We know that sharing the journey does help so keep us posted.

    Treat yourself well for your success so far kingrex.

    Last modified on 29 Jul 2018 14:59 by lillian, quit coach
4 posts, 0 answered