Forums / Cravings / Increased heart beats

Increased heart beats

9 posts, 0 answered
  1. alice chapeau
    alice chapeau avatar
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    26 Feb 2020
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    The patch seems to be making my heart race at times. Has anyone else had this? I have reduced to the step 3 patch. I smoked 50 years about 15 a day & did not notice this before ? 
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Alice,

    Good question. Yes, this has happened to others. It could be a side-effect from the patch, but it could also be due to withdrawals.

    I also wonder if this could be due to using the patch together with nicotine lozenges and the inhaler (as you mentioned in another thread). With all three nicotine replacements, you may be getting more nicotine than your body is used to.

    Your doctor or pharmacist could advise further if necessary. 

    Congratulations on your 23 days!

    Hope this helps,
  3. alice chapeau
    alice chapeau avatar
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    It seems better since I switched to step 3 patch this morning.  I use 2 of the inhaler cartridges a day & maybe 1 lozenge. Thanks so much for your reply. Will report back in a few days. 
  4. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    That sounds good. I'm glad that it seems better with the step 3 patch.
  5. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi Alice,

    I just wanted to congratulate you on your 24 smoke free days.  WooHoo!  You are doing great!
  6. alice chapeau
    alice chapeau avatar
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    Thanks treepeo1!  This is a great forum. Everyone is so helpful. My racing heart has slowed a lot. I’m still on step 3 patch & 2 inhaler cartridges when the cravings get strong. It works. I even had a few beers last night with a bunch of smokers. I survived!  
  7. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Alice

    Hang in there! you are doing Great! Perhaps may help some internal work to built confident, is the difference of what you want and what you need, thinking of healthy choices who give you more confidence to keep the quit!!
    That really helps me to trough some hard cravings, and feel more in control. 

    Believe in you, you can do it! Victory is yours!
    Did you make any plan of how to regard your self in a healthy way, like some hard candy, read or do something instead of thinking on it!

    All the best!
  8. alice chapeau
    alice chapeau avatar
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    31 Mar 2020 in reply to brieffree
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    Hi There. Thanks for the motivation. Yes I’m on day 57 now. Removed  the patch 3 days ago. Still using inhaler & candies but after 50 years of smoking that’s ok.  Thanks. 
  9. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi  Alice,

    Congrats on your 58 days smoke free.  Good for you!  You should be really proud of yourself.  That is quite an accomplishment.  Treat yourself to something nice.  You definitely deserve it!
9 posts, 0 answered