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Help, Day 13

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. nancyinnes
    nancyinnes avatar
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    Some days are decent.....example day 11...only used the patch all day, and the quickmist 1 time....
    Today, and yesterday...horrible 
    I feel like the worst should be behind me, fell like having to use the quick mist yesterday and today a lot....
    I feel worried that I am prolonging my suffering with withdrawal by using the patch and quickmist at the same time.  I feel super irritated today, feel bad for getting irritated at my kids this morning
    Please someone tell me this will get easier soon.  I have quit so many times, but I know this is the time it has to happen...I am 37 years old and have been smoking for 22 years...I am ready but feeling super emotional today and anxious about quitting
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi nancyinnes,

    I can relate to how you are feeling.  Quitting isn't easy, and cravings are really hard to deal with.  Sometimes you feel like you are at your wit's end.  But hang in there.  It will get easier.  You have to be patient.  You smoked for years.  You can't expect to get over it just by snapping your fingers.  Your body needs time to adjust to this new normal, one where you are not flooding yourself with poisons.

    Try to keep busy, and keep drinking water.  Don't worry about using the patch and the quick mist at the same time.  NRTs are meant to help people quit, so use them as needed.  Nothing is worse than smoking.  Eventually, your cravings will lessen and then disappear.  Until then, do whatever it takes to remain smoke free.  You have already struggled to make it to 13 days.  Don't let your struggle be in vain.  Make it count.  Hang on.  You can do this.  Believe in yourself.
  3. nancyinnes
    nancyinnes avatar
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    Thank you <3 yes, lots to adapt to!  I am proud that this is the longest I have went in 3 years 
  4. atp
    atp avatar
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    I smoked over 30 years, and in those years I tried to quit many times, but never got to day 7, until my last quit. 

    When I hit day 7, a new personal best for me, i was so proud. I think that is the day that I really became serious about my quit, and also the day I started to look for the benefits of quitting rather than worrying about what i was 'giving up'. 

    So here you are day 13 and a new record for you. That is worth an awful lot! Own it now and push on. Next up is 2 full weeks! You can do it. Now get your kids to help you to learn how to be a non-smoker. 

    Last modified on 28 Oct 2019 16:44 by atp
  5. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    28 Oct 2019 in reply to nancyinnes
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    Hey nancyinnes!


    I remember feeling exactly the same way! I snapped at my husband continuously, everything and everyone irritated me. The worst was my fear that this was never going to get better and why after days of dealing with my quit did it suddenly feel impossible.

    I hung on for dear life. I came here and read a ton of posts. I listened to the solid advice from those here who have battled the same things.

    I refused to let go of the image of the "new" me, the nonsmoker me. You have come sooo far, nancyinnes and some of the worst days are behind you. Don't you let go of the image of who you can be as a nonsmoker!

    I promise you, it does get easier, and it can do this.
5 posts, 0 answered